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{ what happened last chapter: Abbie had a terrible dream that they were at the hotel and an intruder got in and was harming her and was about to shoot her but then ichabod jumps in front of the gun and he gets shot & died. THEN SHE WAKES UP }


*Ichabod's POV*

I just couldn't sleep that night..

I knew there was something wrong..

I didn't know what obviously, I just had an uneasy feeling in my chest about this hotel..

then, I couldn't take it anymore.

I lifted the covers off of me and turned my feet out of the bed and walked to the bathroom, passing the Mills' room's

it was a wide hallway, so Jenny's room was on the left and Abbie's was on the right- and the bathroom was straight across.

yes, naturally I would've just walked straight, but something was poking at me and I just couldn't put my finger on it- so just in case, my feet disobeyed their directions on going straight and made a right turn instead.

so in other words, I peaked inside Abbie's room just to make sure she was alright.

And I was glad I did.

She was clutching her pillow HARD, while her feet were pulled up to her stomach.

She looked so small- so innocent. Basically the opposite of her when she's awake.

I turned out of the room, the knot in my stomach still not gone, when I heard a noise.

A small cry, if you want to be exact.

I whipped my head around and saw it was coming from Abbie's room as I ran in.

No longer clutching her pillow, but instead she was wrapped into a ball with her hands over the back of her head and her head on her legs whimpering..

No.. She was crying...


I said with a forming lump in my throat as I tensed, then immediately untensed and ran over to her.

Why should I be nervous about going into her bedroom? Were partners, Best friends..

"Abbie- What happened?!!? What's wrong!?! ABBIE?"

A million questions were running through my head as I kneeled down next to her and got her hair out of her face as she lifted her head up.

thousands of tears were running down her face as she saw I was there and stumbled back, until realizing it was me.

She was shaking, as if I just rose from the dead and silently- (I barely made out the words) said my name.


"abbie...are you-"

before I could finish my sentence, she scrambled to the side of the bed I was at and I pulled her in to a bone crushing hug as she was crying on my shoulder.

Of course, her cries got louder.

I wrap my arms around her and sit on the bed and let her cry it all out before I ask anything. And obviously try and be strong myself.

It's the thought that the strongest bravest girl I know is sitting here crying..

it's just the thought that someone so strong and powerful can crack with a single touch- that is, if that touch is this powerful..

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