Is he dead..?

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*abbies POV*

"ICHABOD!! NOO!" She screamed and ran to him as he hit the ground.

He landed in the rubbish face first, god it was painful to see him like that. Ichabod..

Irving- still in shock- ran right beside me, his eyes in panick, but only for an instant ; then it was back to his brave self again.

I looked him right in the eyes.

"Call 911 !! Why aren't they here by now!!"

She said, trying to be as brave as he was being.

"I'm on it!" He shot back.


*ichabods POV*

It's a funny thing being dead- or at least thinking you are.

Your sight goes all black for an instant,- quicker then falling asleep really-

And then it's as if there's a flashback on your whole life..

All the best and worst and important memories..

As if death is preparing you to go under its grasp.

I remember the night my mother died. It was the hardest I've ever cried that day.

I even remember asking my dad how it felt to go under deaths grasp..

Was it like drowning?

Or was it painless?

Do you really get to look down at your loved ones when your gone? Or was it all just a myth to convince us that dying is not the end of all the living?

But when I asked my father this- just like everything other answer I got from him when I asked him things- was a

"How the hades would I know!!"

And a

"Go figure it out on your own for god sakes!!"

Never an exact response..or a real response at all for that matter..

But I for one, did have a flash-back of memories- or so it seemed..

But most of them involved..


Her caramel colored eyes and the way she would always bite her lips when she was nervous..

All of her habits threw me for a loop..

All the times she would laugh,

And the times when we held hands.. Twice.. But I cherished every single time with her..

But the best things about her though- her bravery, her intelligent's, her erudite behavior...

She was stronger then me most times...

I can't leave her...

Abbie Mills..

*Abbies POV*

She was in tears, but trying to be strong like he would want her to be..

He might not be dead she kept on telling herself,

He might still be breathing..

She tried checking for his heartbeat multiple times, but she couldn't tell because of all the rubbish surrounding them and the chaos everywhere around them..

She had to get him out of here,

The dust and smoke was definitely not helping him.

She tried to lift him around one of his arms and Irving got his other arm, so it looked like Ichabod's arms were around them both, as they were going as fast as they could out of here. (It was pretty hard considering the height difference )

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