Irving and Jenny?! Oh & Christmas

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*Abbies POV*

We walked into work the next day, and instantly I saw Jenny and Irving talking to each other, and she half walked/half jogged over to Ichabod and I, pulling Irving with her.

"So how's the dog?" He said.

"How'd you know about the-" I started to say

"Dude, I already told practically everyone that was here about Alec."

Jenny said with a chuckle.

"Well now I know who to go to when I'm needing someone to keep a secret"

I said with a sarcastic grin in her direction.

Irving and Jenny started talking to each other and kinda leaving us out of the chat, so we went away back to the lounge room.

"Did you notice the way they were talking to each other?"

Said Ichabod, reaching out to grab a few cookies that were in the plate on the table while handing me one.

"What do you mean?"

I replied while biting into the doughnut hole.

He cleared his throat,

"I may be just imagining this, but I think that right before- or right as she was bringing Irving over to us with herself, they might've been holding hands."

I stopped in mid-motion, the other half of the doughnut hole hanging an inch away from my mouth and looked directly at Ichabod.

"Are you sure that that's what you saw? Even if it was true, it still could've been a coincidence- I mean, friends hold hands all the time, right?"

"Yes, of course."

"I'll go and talk to her later on about it, alright? And even if they were dating, I think they would probably be a cute couple"

I said with a laugh as Ichabod joined in.

"They both have that small spark that says 'get on my wrong side and it'll be that last thing you ever do.'"

We finished off our doughnuts (Ichabod grabbing a few on the way out) and went back out to work.

*lunch break*

*Jennys POV*

"Yes, I'll have a Big Mac, Two quarter pounders, and to drink we'll take 3 iced Carmel Coffees."

I said at the counter inside McDonalds (hey, don't judge- there food is awesome.)

"Would you like any fries with that?"

"Eh, why not."

"Okay mam, we'll have that at your table momentarily. What name would you like that under?"

Said the man behind the counter- Ted, I think.

"Jenny's alright, thanks." I replied.

I walked back over to where Abbie & Ichabod were sitting and sat down.

"I'm sorry but I don't really care about him."

Abbie was saying.

"Care about who?"

"Your sister is informing me on this 'Obama' figure"

Ichabod said, with his "thinking" face on.

"Oh- I hate that guy. I'm sorry but he's never interested me. Even when he was president for the first 4 years, I wasn't complaining- I thought he might turn out alright. But then another 4 years and- ugh I don't know."

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