Chapter One.

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If the photo works it's of Maggie :)

Over the loud hum of the coffee machine and the chatter of the locals Maggie could make out the cursing from Jake in the kitchen. 

"Jake, let's keep it PG." She called back as she smiled at a small child buying a donut.

"Sorry Mags."

She handed the last customer their change just as Jake emerged from the kitchen and into the rest of the small bakery that Maggie owned. 

"Well?" She pressed, hoping her oven survived. 

"I did my best but hell Maggie, I'm a mechanic I don't know much about baking ovens. Why don't you buy a new one?"

"I can't afford one, not right now."

"I don't know how much longer that one will hold out."

"I know, what do I owe you?"

"A cinnamon bun and cup of coffee," he replied walking around the counter to sit on one of the stools.

"Coming right up."

She turned and busied herself selecting one of her fresh cinnamon buns and pouring a large cup of black coffee.

Sweet treats had been her dream and when it opened two years ago she had such high hopes, while she did turn a modest profit she just couldn't afford the luxury of new items like she wanted too, her apartment was cramped and her car was in worse shape than her oven.

"Here you go," She settled his food in front of him then turned to the pumpkin muffins she was mixing.

"You look like hell," he pointed out softly.

"Gee, thanks."

"I mean it Maggie, when was the last time you slept, or ate something other than a desert?"

"I don't have time, I open at six that means I have to be here by no later than four, I have to make a lot of things at night when it's cooler and so I have no choice but to stay late."

"You're going to work yourself to death."

"Geez, if you worried this much about Artemis you might not be divorced."

"I'm serious, you're too young to live like this."

"What like you're so old?"She teased.

"Just promise me you'll try and lighten up a little bit."

She rolled her eyes and went back to her mix, Jake meant well she knew that but his constant pushing and prying only served to make her more anxious than she already was.

The tiny bell above the door opened and she turned just as her older sister Artemis breezed in.

She strode up to the counter and glanced only briefly at Jake.

"Morning Jake," She said curtly.


"What can I get for you?"Maggie asked.

"Eh, the usual."

Maggie turned away from the pair for just a second but could still hear their low arguing.

"Are you picking Corey up from baseball?"

"Plan too."

"Fine but have him back at home by six he has a test tomorrow, and no junk food Jake."

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