Chapter Twenty.

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The next day after waking up nestled in Jake's arms, Maggie forced herself to go in to work. Jake tried to convince her to stay with him and his arguments were hard to deny, after a long slow round of making love she finally pulled herself away and went to work. Delia came for breakfast and as soon as she saw Maggie she smiled brightly.

"So, Jake came back?" Delia asked as she approached the counter.

"Uhm....sort of."

"Sort of? So that's the not the after orgasm glow I see on your face?"

Maggie blushed but didn't say anything else, she turned to pour Delia a coffee.

"So, are you two a thing?" Delia asked.

"I wouldn't say that."

"But you're sleeping with him?"

"Yes, and we're talking about things but...nothing official. Not yet, we're just taking things slow."

"Good, Maggie you deserve to be happy."

"I am happy," Maggie admitted.

At that moment Jake walked in to the bakery, he was carrying a bouquet of daisies and when he saw Delia he froze. He glanced between Delia and Maggie, Delia grinned and rolled her eyes.

"Relax Casanova, I already know."

He smiled back at her before rounding the corner and taking Maggie in his arms. He leaned down to kiss her deeply pulling away but not letting her out of his arms.

"I brought you these," He said handing her the daisies.

"Daisies are my favorite," Maggie said.

"I know that."

She couldn't help the smile that broke out and he leaned down to kiss her again, Delia took her coffee pretending not to notice the two. Jake pulled away, this time releasing her completely and walking around to the other side of the counter with Delia.

"Can I get you something for breakfast?" Maggie asked.


He settled on a stool next to Delia who was sipping her coffee, Maggie turned to put the daisies in a vase setting the next to her cash register. She produced two large, fresh cinnamon buns.

"On the house," She said placing the plates in front of Jake and Delia.

"Geez, you should bang my sister more often." Delia teased, elbowing Jake.

Maggie blushed but Jake only smiled, Delia drank her coffee and ate her cinnamon roll at a snails pace and finally Jake left leaving her and Maggie alone.

"Really?" Maggie asked, hands on her hips once Jake had left.


"You should bang my sister more often? What the hell is wrong with you, do they have a name for it yet?"

Delia stuck her tongue out at Maggie and Maggie rolled her eyes, the bell rang above the door and the sisters turned to see Artemis breezing in. Her hair had a new blowout, new designer jeans, a handbag that cost more than Maggies rent and a satin blouse.

"Morning girls," She said with a smile.

Maggie glanced briefly at Delia who only shrugged as Artemis took up the stool that Jake had vacated.

"Ew, who brought the tacky flowers?" She asked, pointing at the daisies.

"Uhm...." Maggie froze.

"Liam," Delia said quickly.

"Oh, so the wedding cake...I was wondering if I could have four tiers instead of the three?"

"Yeah....but...I thought...."Maggie trailed off.

"Thought the wedding was over?" Artemis asked.

Maggie managed a small nod and Artemis sighed, glancing at the glass case next to her full of pastries and muffins.

"It was but I'm having a different party and, why waste a good cake?"

"What a break-up party? Why do you need a cake?" Delia asked.

"I'm pregnant. So, I'm having a baby shower and I'm sure the father will see what a mistake he's making." Artemis said bluntly.

"Don't marry Carlos just because you're having his baby," Maggie said.

"It's not his."

Maggie looked at her sister, Artemis was a lot of things but it wasn't like her to just sleep with anyone. She'd only been with one guy before Jake and then only Carlos.

"Well then...."

"It's Jake's," Artemis said quickly.

Delia choked on her coffee, spitting most of it onto the counter and down the front of herself. Maggie felt herself temporarily shut down, so many questions lodged in the back of her throat but she couldn't find a way to push any forward.

"Does Jake know?" Delia asked.

"No, I didn't tell him."

"'ve been with Carlos for so long and..."Delia started to ramble but Artemis cut her off.

"About three months ago Jake came to pick up the kids at my place, I'd had a few too many to drink and I was thinking about the good times we had. I missed him, I think a part of me.....still loves him but anyway he stayed for a drink and one thing led to another only happened that one time since the divorce but....Carlos is sterile."

Maggie still hadn't managed to say anything thus far and then suddenly the room felt too small, she spun without a word and pushed her way into the kitchen, Delia called out to her. She began to pace once she was alone, her hands shaking. Delia pushed into the kitchen catching her by the arms.

"Maggie, hey calm down. Okay?"


"Listen to me, it doesn't change anything. He loves you."

"It's a baby Delia, of course it changes things."

"He already has two kids with her, what's one more?"

Maggie couldn't believe what she was hearing, it changed things to know that just three months ago he was in bed with Artemis and last night had been in bed with her. What kind of sick game was he playing?

"Maggie...he doesn't even know." Delia said.

"She has to tell him, someone does."

"Why? Let Carlos take it."


"Maggie, he doesn't ever have to know."

Maggie hated the fact that she was tempted to agree with Delia, but another part of her knew it was wrong not to tell him She stared at her sister for a few long minutes and Delia knew she was winning.

"He doesn't?" Maggie asked timidly.

"No, it's really not your place to tell him anyway and if Artemis doesn't then...."Delia shrugged.

Swallowing and pushing the better part of her aside Maggie gave a long slow nod in agreement, it wasn't her place to tell Jake. The ball was in Artemis' court and Maggie knew that was selfish but there it was when it came to Jake, Maggie was selfish.

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