Chapter Twenty Two.

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Delia leaned against the wall in a patients room, the small boy had been brought in after a serious car accident. A drunk had struck the child as he was crossing the street, there was no word on if he had any parents or where they were. The child was somewhere around five or six and had multiple broken bones and internal bleeding. It had taken Delia six hours to get him stabilize and now she didn't want to leave his side. She closed her eyes for just a minute when she heard the footsteps enter the room.


Opened her eyes she saw Vincent standing just a few feet away, she was too tired to snap at him for being in the patients room and not somewhere mopping. Moving closer he handed her a bottle of water, she hesitated from taking it.

"Take it, you need to hydrate."

She took the bottle and twisted the cap off, downing most of the contents in one swallow. She was thirsty, she was tired, she was hungry and she needed a shower. She was just coming off a ten hour shift when the boy had came in and she had stayed.

"Dee, you need to go home."

"No, I need to stay with him."

She sighed heavily and crossed the room, brushing her hand across the small boys forehead.

"Do you know him?"

"No, but I have a niece and nephew about his age and....someone is out there wondering where their son is. They're probably scared to death and worried sick, I need to stay with him for them."

"You're exhausted, you need to eat and get some rest."

"I'll be fine," She snapped.

She collapsed into the chair nearest the bed and with a heavy sigh Vincent collapsed into the chair next to her. She glance at him and he shrugged.

"I'm off the clock anyway," He said.

She didn't say anything as she sank further into the chair, stretching her legs out in front of her and letting her head fall back against the chair. She closed her eyes, her body instantly going limp. One arm draped across her abdomen, the other laying out across the armrest.

Vincent reached out, placing his large warm hand on her wrist. She jumped at the contact before giving up and allowing him the contact, his fingers began to tap on her skin. No particular rhythm or beat just light taps. It didn't take long for it to get annoying.

"Okay, fine. Let's go eat." She said sitting up in the chair and pushing to her aching feet.

He laughed as he stood and they exited the boys room, together they walked down the hall and into the abandoned lounge for the doctors. She collapsed at the table, her arms folded on the table, head falling forward.

She could hear Vincent moving around behind her at the vending machines, then he took the seat next to her, sliding a can of soda and sandwich in front of her. She lifted her head to look at him.

"Thank you."

"You work too hard," He said gently.

"I love my job."

"There's nothing wrong with that, but you're going to burn out if you keep this up."

She opened her sandwich, taking a bite and only realizing as the food hit her stomach how hungry she really was. She finished the sandwich quickly and he slid his in front of her, she pushed it back.

"I'm fine," She said shaking her head.

"Take it."

"No, it's okay."

"Dee, eat." He slid it back to her.

"Well if you're sure," She tore into the cellaphane.

He allowed her eat all of his sandwich as he drank his soda in silence. When she was finished she felt better, less exhausted and better able to focus.

"You know you're the only doctor who doesn't treat me like an asshole."

"Yes, I do."

"Not like the others, trust me."

"I didn't know that you were struggling," She said honestly.

"I'm not."

She leaned back in her chair, head falling back to stare at the ceiling. She was tired, but not just physically, emotionally. Rather Maggie wanted to admit to it or not she and Jake were meant for each other and Artemis had really gotten along with Carlos, Delia doubted their separation would last but she had nobody. She had her one night stands, almost two or three a week but it wasn't the same thing.

"You look tired," He said gently.

"Gee, thanks."

"Why don't you go get some rest?"

She stood, deciding maybe he was right. She wasn't good to anyone like this, she moved out into the hall and went a few doors down, he followed her but she didn't comment on it. The hospital kept a set of small rooms with nothing but a cot inside for the doctors and nurses who needed a break.

Finding an empty room she opened the door then turned back to look at Vincent, he was good looking and he'd been so nice to her and right now all she wanted was to feel a body next to her.

"I should let you sleep," He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

He turned to walk away and she reached out catching his arm, he turned back towards her, the confusion and doubt written all over his face. She offered him a small smile and gave his arm a tug as she backed into the vacant room.

He followed her without a word and once they were both inside she roughly shoved him against the door, slamming it closed with his body. He didn't say anything, didn't move to take her in his arms, didn't bend to kiss her.

Her hands slid down his impressively muscular chest to grip the bottom of his t-shirt, sliding it up his body. He lifted his arms and allowed her to strip it over his head and toss it into a corner somewhere. Running her hands up the planes of his bare chest, noticing now all the tattoos, up both forearms, his right ribcage and one over his heart.

Her arms wound around his neck pulling his lips to hers, he wast too much taller than she was which was nice. Standing at 5'6 meant that Delia was taller than most guys but Vincent had her by just a few inches.

He let her pull him down, kissing her gently, reverently, timidly. She didn't rush him, didn't try to deepen the kiss. She let him set the soft, gentle pace that he wanted. His lips tenderly moving over hers, nipping at her bottom lip and pulling it into his mouth, his tongue gently probing against hers.

His hands dropped to her shoulders, pushing her lab coat off and to the floor, then gripping the bottom of her aqua colored scrub top. She pulled away so he could pull it over her head and toss it to join his shirt, his hand sliding down to cup her breast through her bra.

His hands slid down to her hips, pulling her body flush against his, deepening the kiss and growing more desperate. She gripped his shoulders as he slowly walked towards the bed causing her to back up, when her knees hit the mattress he pulled her close and gently lay her back on the mattress going down on top of her. He briefly pulled away.

"You're so beautiful." He said, his eyes roaming down across her body.


"Yes, you are. From the moment I first met you, I thought you were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," His hand cupped her face, thumb stroking her cheek.

His free hand dropped to her flat stomach, pulling the knots of the drawstring pants free, his long fingers dipping inside her panties.

"I'm not....I'm....."

Her protest was cut off when his fingers slid deeper into her panties, finding their destination. Her back arching, she forgot what she was about to say and all that came from her throat was a soft moan. He smiled knowing his trick work and he'd effectively silenced her for now at least.

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