Chapter Seventeen.

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If the photo works it's of Artemis

Ten years earlier...........................

Maggie stood in her bedroom staring at herself in the large floor length mirror, she forced a smile it was a happy day after all her sister was getting married but she was dying inside. There was a soft knock on her door and she turned towards it.

"Come in,"

Delia slipped inside closing the door behind her, both of them were wearing knee length lavender gowns, Delia had her hair pinned up but Maggie had only curled hers.

"I thought I'd come see how you're doing."

"I'm fine, you should be checking on Artemis. I bet she's nervous."

"She's fine, you're the on in love with the groom, I'm worried about you."

"I'll be okay." Maggie said with a sigh.

Delia sat on the edge of Maggies bed, not believing Maggie for an instant.

" honest."

"He loves her Dee, there's nothing I can do now."

"He loves her? Really?"


"Is that why he's down in the garden pacing and trying not to throw up his breakfast?"

"He's sick?" Maggie asked, suddenly worried.

"I don't know why don't you go see?"

Maggie bit her lip nervously then hurried from the room, Delia watched her go then shook her head.

"This weddings a sham and the only people here in love are blind," She said to herself.

Maggie quietly exited through the back door making her way carefully across the back yard and to the garden. She saw Jake standing under the large weeping willow tree in his tux, he looked nervous. She had to push the long tendrils out of the way to step under the tree.

"Hey, how's my favorite groom?" She asked.

"Maggie, I'm so glad you're here."

"Getting nervous?" She teased.

"To say the least."

She took his hand leading him to a small bench near the base of the tree and pulling him down next to her. She took in his appearance, he looked more handsome now than she'd ever seen him.

"It's going to be fine," She promised.

"I.....I don't know Mags."

"Do you love her?" She asked, gently. Hoping to convince him.

He looked up from the bench his eyes meeting hers and then slowly he shook his head.

"I don't know," He said with a shrug.

"'re just nervous, you love her. You know you do, I know you do."


"You're going to be a great husband."

He reached out catching her hands in his and holding them, she couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes. It was too hard, her own were trying to hold back tears at the thought her sister was going to marry the man she loved.

"Maggie look at me," he said gently.

Forcing her gaze to meet him she tried to hide the feelings that were raging inside her head.

"Maggie I think that I......"He trailed off.


He shook his head a minute and then leaned forward and kissed her, a soft, innocent kiss that took her by surprise. She jumped at the contact and then slowly closed her eyes, it might be wrong, he was going to marry her sister in a few minutes but she'd been waiting for this for so long. He kept it simple and sweet but it lasted a few long seconds before he pulled away.

"Oh, no." She rocketed from the bench stumbling away from him.


"No, just....don't." She held out a hand to stop him.

"Maggie, calm down it's okay."

" could I? What about Artemis, you're getting married."

"Maggie, it wasn't just you."

She was shaking, her whole body trembling when he finally caught her. Pulling her against him.

"Maggie, look at me."

She was shaking so hard it was next to impossible for her to respond but she forced herself again to meet his gaze.

"Is there any reason....any reason at all. Even one...why I shouldn't do this?"


"Marry Artemis, can you give me a reason not to do this."


"Come on, Maggie. Just tell me not to, give me a reason to walk away and I will."

"She loves you," Maggie said lamely.

"What about you?"

"I....I sister," She said.

Just like that he saw her put the walls back up, the ones she'd been hiding behind since the day they met. Sometimes in rare moments he could climb up those walls and just catch a glimpse of the real Maggie and today he needed her to meet him at the top but she didn't.

"You need to marry Artemis," She said.

"Is that what you want?" He asked softly.

"I want you and her to be happy, so marry her and please if you care for me at all....don't ask me anymore."

She backed away and he watched her go, his gaze looked like he was in pain but Maggie blocked it out. Jake didn't have feelings for her, there's no way that was possible. He just felt sorry for her and she couldn't let him lose Artemis because she was pathetic.

She was walking towards the house just as Delia came outside, she rushed up to Maggie meeting her halfway.

"You look terrible, are you okay?" She asked.


Maggie fell silent as Jake walked passed the pair and paused to give her one more long stare before heading into the house. She looked away first and when he was gone Delia grabbed her arm.

"What happened?"


"He just looked at you like you were the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, what happened?"

"Nothing, he loves Artemis and he's getting married."

Maggie pushed passed Delia and went into the house, she took a deep breath as she locked down the long hall and stepped onto the front porch just as the music began to play and it was time to walk down the aisle and watch her sister marry the man of her dreams.

Author Note: If you read "Teacher's Pet" and enjoyed it check out my new book "Teachers Secret" The first chapter is now up and if you haven't checked out either, why not try it now?

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