Chapter Two.

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If the photo works it's of Delia, . :)

It snowed over night, when Maggie walked out of her apartment and onto the street she was pleasantly surprised by the light dusting on the sidewalk and the soft white snowflakes that were still drifting on the wind.

She walked to her car, the small blue 1974 Volkswagen beetle had more problems than paint but it was hers and she loved the car. Only Jake and his sheer determination was keeping it running at this point. Tossing her purse onto the passenger seat she started the car, a light was flashing on the dash.

"Terrific," She sighed.

She started her car and drove to the store, Saturday was supposed to be her day off but usually ended up being the day she did her errands. She hadn't slept, her mind racing about her interaction with Artemis the day before. Was it weird that she was so close to Jake? Was she betraying Artemis? Maybe it was time she cut him out of her life for good. She went to the store first with every intention of getting healthier groceries, she was just finishing up when a voice called out to her.


She turned to see a tall blonde man standing behind her, it took her a minute to recognize him.


"Yeah, wow, I haven't seen you since before college." He beamed walked closer.

"Yeah, you look....great."

"So, you still live in town?" He asked, moving closer.

"Yeah...I uh...own a bakery."

"That's fantastic Mags, really."

"What are you doing now?" She asked.

"I'm home for awhile, helping mom she took a stroke last week."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Thanks, I came home to help her out for awhile."

She gave a small nod, not sure what else she could say. Liam was her first and only real boyfriend, when highschool ended he went to college and Maggie went to culinary school and that was the end of it.

"I should let you go," He said.

"Yeah, I do."

"Maybe I'll stop by the bakery a day."

"I would like that," She said honestly.

He gave her an award winning smile and walked away, letting her standing in the frozen food. She took a deep breath and turned heading for the registers.

Even though it was her day off she went to the bakery, she flipped the chairs and mopped the floors, wiped the windows, cleaned the tables and then set herself to making cupcakes and brownies for the morning. She brewed herself a pot of coffee and was mid-way through it when the door swung open and she looked up to see Delia bounding in.

"Out for a run?" Maggie guessed.

Delia was as thin as a rake but jogging was her life, she was always the smart one, the healthy one, the cheerleader of the tree sisters. Artemis was the dreamer, the free spirit, the wildchild and Maggie was Maggie. Never as thin, never as pretty, never as important.

"Just did seven miles, got two phone numbers on the way." Delia teased.

"Like you need any," Maggie said rolling her eyes.

"I do need a coffee though."

"Coming right up."

Maggie turned and poured Delia a tall caramel infused coffee, sitting it front of her sister who despite the cold was scantily clad.

"Aren't you freezing?" Maggie asked.

"No, what's up? You seem stressed."

"Nothing," Maggie said turning to her batter.

"Mags...tell your sister."


"Are you coming to mom and dads tomorrow?" Delia asked.

Every Sunday since they all moved out they had family dinner at their parents farm thirteen miles outside of town. Jake and the kids used to come with Artemis and now Carlos did, sometimes without the kids. Delia couldn't always make it but Maggie did because Maggie didn't change.

"Of course I am," Maggie said.

"Are you bringing anyone?"


"I could lend you a phone number," Delia teased, ever the hopeful romantic that Maggie would find someone.

"No thanks," Maggie called heading into the kitchen to put the cupcakes in her oven.

When she came back out Delia was helping herself to a cinnamon bun and leaning against the counter.

"Are you bringing cake to mom and dads?" Delia asked.

"Yes, don't I always?"

"Do you think Carlos is coming?"

"Most likely."

"What do you think of him?"Delia asked, taking a drink of coffee.

"I don't know, I try to avoid him."

"He seems kind of sleezy....but they can't all be Jake."

Everyone in the family adored Jake, their parents, the kids, Delia and Maggie it was only Artemis who seemed to lose her affection. Secretly the entire family had hoped she would take him back.

"No, they can't." Maggie agreed.

"Why can't we find guys like that?" Delia asked.

"Liam is back in town," Maggie said with a sigh.

"Really? Did you talk to him?"

"We bumped into each other at the store, he said he might stop by."

"So, invite him tomorrow."

Maggie shook her head taking a drink of her own coffee, not wanting to talk about Liam. She took a deep breath and asked Delia the question that had been burning in the back of her mind.

"Is it weird that I still hang out with Jake?" She asked, looking up at her older, taller sister.

Delia sighed heavily and didn't answer for a little while, out of the two sisters only Delia knew how deep Maggies affection for Jake was. It was Delia that held seventeen year old Maggie on their families porch swing while Maggie cried the day Jake proposed to Artemis. To everyone else Jake and Maggie were just friends but Delia knew the truth.

"It's different Maggie, not many people keep in touch with their sisters ex-husband but....No, it's not weird. You're were friends for years before he ever even looked at Artemis. Why who said it was weird? Did Jake say that?"




"Are you still in love with him?" Delia asked seriously.

"No, I'm not. I stopped being in love with him the day he married Artemis, and again when they had Corey and Ava. I just.....he's always been a part of my life."

"I don't think it's weird but....I want to see you with someone, I want you to be happy."

"I am happy."

"Then prove it," Delia sat her coffee cup down and began backing towards the door.

"When Liam comes in here, get his number and him," She said.

She exited the shop leaving Maggie alone, with the smell of cupcakes baking and fresh washed floors.

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