Chapter Twenty Seven.

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Maggie woke up and rolled over in her bed and for the first time in her life Jake was still sleeping next to her. Stretched out on his back his right arm pillowing his head his left arm tossed across his chest.

She bit her lip watching him sleep, she never thought she would be here. Never thought that she had a chance of being with Jake, she hated hurting her sister but it felt good to finally have her man.

Carefully she slipped from the bed and pulled on her satin robe, tying it closed she walked into the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee for her and Jake. A soft knock on her door drew her attention and she frowned glancing at the clock it was nine in the morning on a Saturday. Opening the door she was surprised to see Artemis on the other side of the door, it was obvious she had been crying.

"Artemis," Maggie pulled her robe closer.

"Hey Mags."

"What uh, what are you doing here?" Maggie asked.

"Relax, I'm not here to fight and I won't wake up your new boyfriend." Artemis motioned to the bed where Jake lay and Maggie blushed.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," Maggie said.

"I know but you did."

"I just...."

"No, I get it. Jake is quite a catch and I think deep down I always knew that he was in love with you. I just thought maybe....he'd change his mind."

"I'm so sorry."

"No, don't be sorry. I actually came to talk to you."

"Okay, you want to come in?" Maggie offered awkwardly.

"No, that's okay. I came to tell you that.....I'm leaving. I dropped the kids off this morning with mom and dad and I booked a flight to Italy last night."

"Italy? For how long? Artemis!"

"Calm down, I....I just need to go and clear my head. I need to find myself I find someone for me."

"What about the kids?" Maggie asked.

"Maggie, you love those kids and they love you and Jake...he's a good dad. Besides...I was never mom material. They'll be fine."

"I'm sorry, I never wanted for you to have to leave and...."Maggie started to ramble.

"I know. I'm doing this for me, we both know nobody can bully me into anything."

"Artemis, I love you, so much." Maggie said, tears building in her eyes.

"I know that and....I do love you too but....I'm still hurt, still angry. You were the last person I ever thought would do something like this to me."

Maggie dropped her head, she wasn't going to apologize anymore but she still felt sorry for her sister.

"So, I'm going to go away for awhile and....when I come back...maybe we can try to finally have a relationship."

"I'd like that," Maggie said honestly.

"Well then, I guess this is goodbye." Artemis said with a shrug.

A part of Maggie wanted to hug her sister close, but she knew Artemis wasn't a hugger so she refrained.

"Goodbye," Maggie said simply.

Artemis cast one last glance behind Maggie to where Jake lay sleeping then from her purse produced an envelop. She handed it to Maggie.

"See that he gets this?" She asked.

"Of course," Maggie clutched the envelope carefully to her chest.


Artemis turned and walked down the hall towards the stairs and Maggie stood, watching her until she disappeared and Maggie couldn't see her any longer. Then she went back inside closing the door behind her. She was just pouring coffee and pulling some blueberry muffins out of the oven when Jake stirred, pulling on his boxers and moving into the kitchen area.

"Good morning," He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind kissing the side of her neck.


His hands gripped the knot in her robe, pulling it loose and she laughed slapping his hands away.

"Stop it, I don't have time for that right now."

"Making up for lost time," He replied.

She sighed setting down the hot tray of muffins and turning in his arms to wrap her arms around his neck. He wasted no time in leaning to kiss her, deepening the kiss in an effort to change her mind no doubt. After a few long minutes she pushed him away.

"You're killing me Mags," He said.

"I have something for you."

She pulled from his arms and went to the table where the envelope lay, she turned and handed it to him without another word.

"What's this?" He asked.

"It's from Artemis, she stopped by the morning."

He took a deep breath and settled into a chair at her table, tearing open the envelope and pulling out a few pages of a letter. Maggie poured him a cup of coffee and then place a muffin in front of him as well without a word, watching his eyes scan the pages he was reading. After a few minutes he shoved the letter back into the envelope shaking his head.

"Did you know she was leaving?" He asked.

"She told me this morning."

"I have to get the kids from your parents," He said as he stood.

"Of course."

"Can....can we maybe have dinner later? Just the two of us? I'll find a babysitter."

"I'd like that."

He pulled on his shirt and jeans while she sat at the table drinking her coffee, she didn't ask what the letter said because she could make a guess it was the same thing Artemis had told her. He walked to the door pulling on his jacket and she rose to follow him, he turned at the door cupping her face in one warm hand. Leaning up for a soft kiss, she gripped his jacket for just a minute.

"I'm all yours now, Mags." He said when she pulled away.

"I'm okay with that," She said.

"Maggie.....I love you," He said.

"I....I love you too."

He smiled at her leaning down for one more long kiss before pulling away.

"I really do have to go get my children," He said with a small laugh.

"No, go. I'll see you later."

He gave a small nod, exiting the apartment and leaving her alone. She leaned against the close door willing her heartbeat to slow down to a normal level. He loved her, and he'd said it first. The words she'd been waiting to hear for so long and finally he'd said them.

AuthorNote: If you haven't yet please check out my new book Heavenly Beast, a retelling of the classic tale "Beauty and the Beast"

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