Chapter twenty Six.

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"So, you're like an official item now?" Delia asked, taking a bite of cinnamon bun.

"I....I don't know I guess....I do love him Dee," Maggie said.

The sisters were in Maggie's shop, Delia had stopped for a cinnamon bun and cup of coffee after her run. Maggie had told Delia everything about her and Jake and their most recent talk.

"I know you do, you always have."

"It's just......I feel bad for Artemis. I think a part of her really does love him."

"I know but when the roles were reversed.....she didn't even hesitate to take him from you."

"That doesn't make it right."

Delia shrugged just as the bell above the door rang, signaling someone's entry. Maggie glanced up and froze, her heart lodging somewhere in her throat, it was Artemis and she looked angry.

"You! How could you?!" She cried, stomping towards the counter.

"Artemis..."Maggie started.

"No! Shut up! I get to speak, how could you Maggie!? You're my sister! I should be able to trust you and this....this is what you do?! You take up with my ex husband!"


"How long have you been in love my husband?" Artemis asked.

Maggie didn't say anything at first, her head down in shame and tears burning her eyes.

"How long!?"

"Always....Artemis, I've always love him and I'm sorry....I love you, I've always loved you too." Maggie said.

"When did you start seeing him?" Artemis asked, clenching her jaw.

"A few months ago."

"I can't believe you."

Maggie glanced at Delia who was staring at Artemis in disbelief as Artemis continued to berate Maggie.

"I'll forgive you, if it never happens again. You will stop seeing him, won't you?" Artemis asked.

Maggie took a deep breath, glancing at Delia who raised an eyebrow obviously curious to her answer.

"No." Maggie said softly.


"I said No, I won't stop seeing him." Maggie said, straightening her spine.

"I'm your sister!" Artemis cried.

"And I'm sorry, I love you but....I'm a woman and I have feelings and I......I'm in love with Jake. I won't stop seeing him, not even for you."

Delia grinned at Maggie and gave her a small nod of approval but didn't speak, Artemis stood flabbergasted on the floor. Then she spoke, venom lacing her words.

"'ve had everything, you've taken everything from me.....even my husband."

"I've never done anything to hurt you."

" took everything. Delia and I were so close and then you came along and I was a joke to both of you, always snickering behind my back you had your own little world. Mom and Dad only ever cared about baby Maggie, give your sister a ride to school, give your sister a ride home. top it all off there was Jake, I married him and I finally had something before you or Delia and he only ever talked about you! Maggie is funny, Maggie baked this, Maggie said this, Maggie, Maggie, Maggie!" She stomped her foot for emphasis.

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