Chapter Five.

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I'm including the trailer in this chapter because it's just so amazing!!

A storm blew in off the coast the next day, dumping eight inches of snow and more falling by the second. The white out conditions and below freezing temperature forced Maggie to close her shop and stay inside. She stared out the window at the darkened sky and the snow that fell at an alarming rate.

Her phone ringing snapped her from her thoughts, setting her tea aside she picked up the received.

"Hey mags,"

"Hey Dee."

"Are you staying in? I just wanted too check on you."

"Yes, I'm inside I'm warm I'm safe. Stop being a big sister for two minutes and worry about you."

"I called Artemis she and Carlos were watching a movie with the kids but I can't get ahold of mom and dad."

"Did you call the house?"

"Yeah, four times but...I don't know maybe they lost power with all the snow."

"Are you at work?" Maggie guessed.

"Yes, we're swamped. Frostbite, car wrecks, you name it. This storm is dangerous nobody should be on those roads."

" and dad."

"No! Maggie, don't even think about it. The roads are dangerous and it's 13 miles outside of town. You stay at home."


"No! Look, I have to go my break is over just keep calling the house. I'm sure they're fine."


"I'm serious Maggie, stay inside."


"I love you."

"I love you too, bye."

Maggie hung up and waited a minute before dialing her parents number the phone rang a few times but nobody answered. She began to pace, chewing on her thumbnail. Did they go out and get caught in the storm? Decided she couldn't wait to find out she hung up and grabbed her coat from the hook, pulling it on and heading downstairs to her car.

She climbed into the beat up old car and started it, the heater was basically junk and wouldn't warm the vehicle at all. As she pulled out of her parking space she was aware of how empty the streets were and how slippery.

She drove out of town and was on the empty eight mile stretch of woods that lead to her parents farm when her luck ran out. Although she was moving at a snails pace she hit black ice and it was enough to kick out the back end of her car, spinning sideways she was hurled into a nearby ditch. Her neck snapping forward painfully and her head smacking off the side window she succumbed to unconsciousness.

When she regained consciousness the first thing she realized was that she had been asleep for quite some time. Her windshield was covered in snow and she couldn't see out it anymore, shifting her weight she winced at the throbbing in her head. She reached for the door handle but the door did no budge even as she threw her slight weight into it, slightly panicked she attempted to start the car, heat she had to get the heat on. The car clicked uselessly but didn't turn over or attempt to start, already she was shivering with the cold and could see her breath. Freezing to death was a very real and scary possibility.

She reached for her purse digging through every pocket in search of her cell-phone, after she had emptied the contents of her purse onto the passenger set she realized that her phone was at her home, charging.

"Stupid....stupid girl." She scolded herself.

She let her pounding head fall back against the head rest even as a few tears slipped down her cheeks. Wiping angrily at her tears she rolled down her car window, intending to climb out. Instantly the wind picked up blowing snow into the tiny vehicle and biting at her skin like needles. She gripped the window and intended to heave herself out when a sharp pain in her right leg stopped her. Crying out in pain she dropped back into her seat.

More tears blinded her vision as the pain shot in her leg and she began to realize the dire situation she was currently in. She wound the window back up but the temperature had dropped even more from having it down the few minutes.

She pushed her hair from her tear streaked face and glanced at the things she'd emptied onto her seat seeing a bag of animal crackers she reached for it with fingers that already ached from the cold. She tore the package open and fished out a few crackers to eat.

"Stay calm Maggie, stay calm." She whispered to herself.

Three hours passed and Maggie had mostly given up on hope for rescue, she had brought her knees up to her chest zipping them into her coat for warmth that wasn't there. Her shivering had subsided to a numbness and she was so tired it was hard to keep her eyes open.

She let her head fall against the window with a sad, heavy sigh. All her regrets playing in her mind, the things she never did and should have. Things she never said.

"So much I should have done, should have said. I....I....could have told Artemis I loved her more...spent more time with the kids.....I.....should have told Jake.....oh...Jake....I should have told him....everything," She said with a soft sob.

Her eyes grew more heavy, her body feeling almost comfortable numb but no longer cold. She slowly closed her eyes, she'd just go to sleep and it'd be over. She supposed there were worse ways to die.

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