Chapter Twelve.

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I'm going to include the trailer for this book in this chapter.

THIRTEEN YEARS EARLIER..................

The weather had just began to warm up with the promise of spring, Maggie had spent her entire Sunday on the large back porch of her home with Jake who trying his best to coach her through her math homework.

"You got to carry the one," He said pointing to a problem.

"Right, and drop the two?" She asked.

"No. the two stays."

She sighed heavily and he laughed bumping his shoulder lightly against hers.

"Come on, you can do it." He said.

"No, I can't. I'm terrible at this, my test is tomorrow."

"I'll stay all night if I have too."

"No, I....I don't think that's a good idea." She said as she began shoving her books into her back pack and stood.

"Was it something I said?" He asked, standing as well.

"'s sisters are coming home tonight and the house will be loud and full of people."

"We've been best friends for two years and I've still never met your sisters, don't you think it's time?" He teased.

She winced, she'd purposely kept him away from Delia and Artemis a small selfish part of her was afraid once he saw her over achieving sisters he wouldn't be content to be friends with her anymore. Delia was still in medical school and excelling, last year Artemis went to Paris to study fashion, she was back in the states now at some college. Maggie was still a lowly senior in highschool, while Jake had attended community college for mechanics he was still just Jake, comfortable and reliable Jake. He took her for ice cream on weekends and helped her with homework, they watched movies together and in the summer swam in parents pond, the sight of him bare chested and dripping wet one of her favorite images to recall.

"Come on Mags, your sisters can't be that bad." He said.

She hesitated a minute, chewing on her lower lip. She guessed eventually he would have to meet Delia and Artemis, they wouldn't be I college forever and she couldn't keep him on her back porch.

"I'll go tell mom to set an extra plate," She relented.

She turned and went into the house leaving Jake on the back porch, she walked into the kitchen where her mother was chopping vegetables.

"Can Jake stay for dinner?" She asked timidly.

"You know he's always welcome," her mother replied.

"Okay, I'll go set the table."

"Are you okay sweetheart? You seem....distracted."

"I'm fine," she said shaking her head.

She grabbed the ceramic plates and carried them into the dining room and the large wooden table. She tried to be happy about seeing her sisters again but knowing that Jake was about to see just how far she paled in comparison disappointed her. She was setting a place when she felt a pinch on her side. Turning she saw Delia.

"Dee! I thought you weren't going to be here for another hour," She said embracing her sister.

"Oh I thought I'd come early and surprise you. I missed you Maggie."

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