Chapter Fourteen

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Maggie practically threw herself into her work, Jake called almost every hour for nearly two days but she didn't answer, couldn't bring herself too. She baked cakes for birthday parties, cupcakes for baby showers and a wedding cake for Miss Amelia James. She opened more hours and cut back on sleep, physically she was exhausted but deep down she knew if she let herself think about what happened with Jake she'd be overwhelmed.

She was in the middle of putting a batch of brownies into the glass case when Liam stepped inside, smiling brightly at her. She felt guilty as soon as she saw him, he was a good man and here she was missing Jake, thinking about Jake.

"Hey baby," He greeted coming around the counter.

She turned just as he reached her, pulling her into his arms and leaning down to kiss her. She kissed him back but not like she did Jake, there was no desperation, no passion, something was just missing. He pulled back but didn't release her, smiling at her and she forced a smile back.

"I have a surprise for you," He said.


"Yes ma'am,"He teased.

She smiled as he turned towards her counter, wrapping one arm around her waist and pulling her against his side. He unfolded a large brochure that featured happy couples and families, they were riding horses and skiing, curled up by a fireplace, building a snowman and riding a ski lift.

"It's a resort two states away up in the mountains. They have nice private cabins and I thought maybe we could go for a weekend."


"If it's too soon...."

"No, no it's not that."

"Great, what about next weekend?" He asked.

"Uh...yeah, sure."

"Great I just....I want it to be special, the first time."

She smiled and he leaned down to give her a kiss and despite concentrating the best she could she couldn't bring back that feeling that she had with Jake. Kissing Liam was nice and that's all she could say about it.

"I have to go but, I'll call you later."


He gave her an award winning smile and then a quick peck before walking around the counter and out the door passing Artemis on his way out.

"Mags, I got pictures of the wedding cakes I like so far."

"Hey Artemis," Maggie said with a sigh, still looking at the brochure.

"Ooooh whose going on vacation?" Artemis asked picking up the brochure.

"Liam wants to take me for the weekend."

"Are you going?"


"Good! You need to get out some."

Maggie offered her sister a small smile as she took the brochure and folded it, sticking it beside the cash register. Artemis shrugged laying down several wedding magazines with pictures of wedding cakes already on display.

"I love the three tiers on this one but I like round better than square."

"I can do that," Maggie agreed.



"You really are the best at this stuff." Artemis said gently.

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