Chapter Six.

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If the photo works it is of Jake.

The pounding woke her up at first she thought she was dreaming but when she forced her eyes open realized she was awake and still in her car. Confused she let her head fall back just as someone tore open her door, her weight had been leaning completely on the door and she fell out as it swung open into waiting arms.

"Maggie! Maggie! Talk to me baby, come on."

A loud voice was screaming even as they jostled her in their arms, forcing herself to consciousness she opened her eyes.


"I'm here, I'm right here. I've got you now!"

He lifted her bridal style into his arms and she tried to lift her head, her car or what she could see of it was completely covered in snow by now. The snow was up as deep as his thighs as he waded towards his waiting truck. Lifting her onto the seat he cupped her cold face in his warm hands.

"Look at me! Look at me Maggie, how long were you in there?"

"I....I don't....I don't know."

"Okay, I'm going to get you somewhere warm. Just...sit tight, alright?"

She allowed her head to fall back against the seat as he buckled her seatbelt around her. He closed the door and instantly the heat of his truck enveloped her, she was so sleepy but suddenly she remembered her parents were still missing.

"Jake!" She cried as he climbed into the truck.

"Woah, woah, what is it?"

"My parents....they're not answering...that's...that's why I'm here....I..."

"Shh, they're okay. They're okay, I promise. I was there a few hours ago. I started the generator and made sure it had plenty of gas for the night. They're fine."

"You saw them?" She asked.

"I check on them when there are bad storms. I was driving back when I saw that your car was gone."

He shrugged off his heavy fleece lined jacket and tossed it over her body, covering her with it. She was too weak to protest.

"Just take it easy," He said gently.

She gave a small nod her head falling back again against the seat, eyes slipping closed as Jake shifted into drive and pulled the truck slowly back onto the dangerous roads.

When the truck came to a stop she slowly came awake, lifting her head she saw they were at Jakes house not her own. She glanced over at him, obviously confused.

"There's no power in town, my house has a fireplace that's been lit all night. It's warm and I can make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not. You're half frozen, you're dehydrated, starved and probably injured."

He climbed from the truck and forcing her tired muscles to comply she attempted to do the same. She dropped lightly to the ground her right leg giving out and a spasm of pain making her cry out. She would have fell to the ground had it not been for Jake rushing to her side.

"Woah, I got you."

"My leg....I hurt.."

"I got you," He said, sweeping her up into his arms yet again and starting for the house.

Once inside he settled her on his couch in front of the fireplace. He moved efficiently throwing more wood onto the flames and then hurrying back to her.

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