Chapter Twenty Five.

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If it works the photo is of Jake.

Maggie spent her day with her niece and nephew, they went to the movies and then out for pizza. She took them back to her apartment, not sure which or if either of their parents were coming to get them. She was making dinner while they watched cartoons, the knock on the door drawing her attention.

She turned glancing at the kids before hurrying to the door, it was Jake. Maybe it was because she hadn't seen him in awhile or maybe it was the way he leaned against the door frame but she'd never seen him looking better than right that second.


"I'm here for my kids," He said gently.

"Right....yeah, I was just making dinner."

She nervously moved out of the way so he could step into the apartment, he glanced at her before looking for and seeing his children on the couch. As he headed in their direction Maggie closed the door, taking a deep breath. Knowing what he told Artemis made her nervous, he'd told someone else that he was in love with her, but had yet to tell her.

"Hey guys," He said.

"Daddy!" Ava popped up and rushed to hang on his legs.

"Hi Munchkin."

"We went to the movies with aunt Maggie, and for pizza!" Ava said excitedly.

"You did? I'm jealous," He teased, lifting the girl into his arms.

He dropped a kiss on Ava's cheek before setting her back on her feet, glancing at Trevor who was too wrapped up in his cartoon to even notice.

"Can you stay for dinner?" Maggie asked, returning to the stove.

"Yeah, sure."

Jake turned moving toward where she stood, stirring the pasta for the noodles. She glanced up at him as he leaned against her fridge, glancing again at his children.

"Artemis is moving out," He said quietly.


"I told her the truth Maggie, it wasn't easy but....I told her that I'm in love with someone else."

She moved to the sink, pouring the pasta into a strainer. She didn't know what to say to him, should she tell him she was in love with him too? Was he even telling her now or just point it out? She didn't know.

"I saw her today, she's really hurting."

"I know, but....rather it was now or later she was only ever going to get hurt."

"Did you talk to her lately?"

"No, I asked her to have her things packed and be gone when I get home."

"What about the kids?"

"Those two? I don't know, they're going to be confused and the baby....shit, I don't know."

Maggie winced, it wasn't her business to tell him but at the same time she couldn't let Artemis continue to manipulate them all.

"Jake...I talk to Artemis.....she's not pregnant."

"Wait....she told you that?" He asked.

"Yes.....she you, she was never pregnant."

He pushed a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. The news was obviously a surprise to him.

"Thank God," He said softly.

She bit her lip and then turned to pour the spaghetti into a bowl, the sauce starting to boil. She poured it into a smaller bowl, carrying both to the table.

"Kids, dinner."

Both children scurried from their places on the couch to hurry into the kitchen and onto the chairs.

"Are we going home Daddy?" Ava asked.

"Soon as we're done eating."

"Is Mom going to be there?" Corey, asked as Maggie served him some spaghetti.

"No, buddy....she's not."


Jake leaned over to place a hand on his son's smaller one, he was a good father and Maggie knew that it was hard to think his kids were suffering from his and Artemis' decisions.

"'s better if Mommies and Daddies don't live together," Maggie said.

"Okay," Corey said softly.

"Eat your dinner, Aunt Maggie worked hard." Jake said.

"Aunt Maggie?"Ava spoke up.


"Can we stay here tonight?" Ava asked innocently.

"Oh....I think your Dad wants to spend the night with you guys."

"He can stay too." Ava said.

"Eat your dinner half pint," Jake said before Maggie could reply.

After dinner the kids were exhausted and collapsed onto Maggies couch in a deep sleep while Maggie and Jake did the dishes.

"Thank you for taking them," Jake said.

"It's not a problem."

"You're always bailing Artemis out of her problems."

"She's my sister."

"Yeah, except she's never treated you like a sister."

"I love Artemis Jake....."

"I know you do."

She finished with the last plate handing it to him he began to dry it before setting it aside and dropping the towel onto the counter.

"I better get them home," He said motioning at the kids.

"I'll help you."

Together with Maggie carrying Ava and Jake carrying Cory they went downstairs and loaded their tiny sleeping bodies into the back seat in the car seats. Jake carefully closed the door before turning to Maggie, she was standing on the sidewalk with her arms wrapped around herself for warmth.

He took a step towards her, reaching out with one hand then he froze, his hand falling down he backed up pressing himself against his car.

"I want to kiss bad right now," He said.


"I know, it's not the right time."

She gave him a small smile, grateful that he wasn't going to push the issue. She'd by lying though if she said she didn't want to kiss him.

"I want to be with you Maggie."

"I want to be with you too," She admitted softly.


"Just.....give it some time, once Artemis calms down a little bit."

"Yeah, that's fair I guess." He said with a heavy sigh.

"It's's hard for me to......I've felt so strongly about you for so long." She said.

"Can I please kiss you now?" He asked.


She was barely done with the single word sentence and he was there, pulling her into his chest and backing himself back to his car, pulling her closer.

One hand cupping the back of her head and the other hand on her waist, his lips moving desperately against hers. Her own hands gripped his leather jacket, allowing herself to sink against him. It felt good to be in his arms like this, even for a few stolen moments. He pulled away first.

"I'm going to go now, before I can't."


"Just....text me okay? Don't shut me out Maggie."

"I won't," She promised and this time she meant it.

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