Chapter eleven.

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If the photo works it's of Delia.

Three more days went by and Maggie didn't hear a word from Jake, Delia was sitting on her counter as Maggie mopped the floor of her shop preparing to close for the night when Artemis breezed in.

"He did it! He popped the question!" She beamed.

"Who?" Delia asked with a mouthful of coffee cake.

"Carlos, he asked me to marry him!"

"Haven't you been married enough?" Delia asked, rolling her eyes.

"At least I've been married," Artemis shot back.

Maggie remained silent as she leaned her mop against a nearby wall and began flipping the chairs onto the table tops to mop underneath.

"Aren't you going to say anything Maggie?" Artemis asked.

"Congratulations, I'm sure you'll be really happy."

"I'm sure I will, this time is so different Carlos is nothing like Jake."

Maggie winced at the mention of Jake's name, it wasn't fair the way Artemis spoke about him. Jake was a good man, he loved his kids and he worked hard to support his family his only flaw had been loving Artemis enough to let her walk all over him.

"Did you tell the kids yet?" Delia asked.

"No, I will tomorrow. They're at Mom and Dad's tonight."

"Did you tell Jake?" Maggie asked, flipping another chair.

"Why would I?"

"He's their father, he deserves to hear it from you and not some stranger." Maggie pointed out.

"Fine, I'll tell him." Artemis agreed rolling her eyes.

Maggie used cleaning as a distraction to keep her from being pulled into Artemis and her chattering.

"You'll both have to be bridesmaids of course but Carlos' sister will be my maid of honor," Artemis said.

"Of course," Delia replied, only Maggie picking up her mocking tone.

"Maggie, would you be a dear and make the wedding cake?"

"Of course Artemis." Maggie said without really listening.

"Oh! It's going to be beautiful, we're getting married this spring in the downtown garden when the cherry blossoms come out. Daddy will give me away of course and we're think three hundred guests."

"Isn't that a bit much?" Delia asked.

"No, I think it's just enough."

Delia rolled her eyes and took another large bite of coffee cake, Artemis and her antics were always a constant annoyance to Delia.

"Who would have thought I would be married twice before either of you were at all," Artemis said, tossing her arms around each of their shoulders.

"Hey!" Delia scolded.

"Come now, being left at the alter hardly counts." Artemis said, pulling away from them and going to pour herself a cup of coffee.

Delia slid off the counter staring at Artemis obviously hurt, Maggie reached out to place a hand on her shoulder. Sometimes Maggie liked to pretend that Artemis didn't know she was hurting people, but then she did it so often it was hard to tell.

"You're a bitch." Delia said.

"Oh come now Delia, it's been what ten years? I thought you were over it by now."

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