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It's hard.

Hard to remember the things we did. Hard that she is not here anymore. But that is not the hardest part of this all.

The hardest part is that she isn't by my side anymore.

I wished she was here. Here in London to give me advice. I need to find nice friends. Not friends like Danielle or Chloe.

So this is what you meant
When you said that you were spent
And now it's time to build from the bottom of the pit, right to the-

I groan and I turn around to stop my alarm. I couldn't sleep this night. I had  to much in my head. Aiden who will never likes me back.. Chloe who is being extremely close.. Danielle who is being to loud and I'm starting to dislike her.

But right now I've to go to work. I work at this little café. It isn't that much but I earn a little bit money with it. Luke is still trying to convince me that I need to sing again.

"You can be famous!" Like I want that! I don't want to do those things alone. And people are definitely not going to like me.

I can't handle the hate without her.

I swin my legs out of my bed. I need to get dressed for work. I walk to my closet grab my work t-shirt and blackjeans.

Quikly I put them on. I run downstairs to eat breakfast. Today Aiden also has to work so he is going to pick me up.

When I hear the doorbell ring I prop the last of my breakfast into my mouth and I run to the door with my jacket in my hand. Do I have everything? Wait.. I need to get my purse! I run back to the kitchen and grab my purse. I hear the doorbell ring a few times more.

"I'm coming!" I scream while running to the door and almost tripping. When I reach the door I open it and see a happy Aiden standing. "Are you ready to go?" He asks me while smiling big. What is going on inside his head? I give him a big smile back and nod.

Not because I'm really happy. Only because I need to be strong.

Aiden walks to his car and I follow him. Time to go!


"Lauren? Can you do the orders for now?" Caitlin asks me. I nod. "Yeah, but I need to bring this first to some customers". I bring the order to the right customer and then I walk back to Caitlin. "Succes!" She says while smiling at me. She knows I hate to do the orders.

I just don't like people who decide to long for what they want. That's awkward. Looking at some person deciding what they want while you just stare at them.

Or when they ask hard question. Are there any nuts in this? Is this healthy? Like I know all of those things?!

Calm down Lauren..

I stand behind the cash deks. The row behind it looks at me.

"Hello what can I do for you?" I ask the costumer while smiling politely.


"Your order will be brought by you when it's ready" I smile at the customer. Always being polite.. "Wha-" I wanted to ask the customer something but then I see who it is. Chloe? What is she doing here?

"WHAHAHA! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!" She screams loudly while laughing. I see heads turning our way. "Chloe! Be quiet!" I try to get her stop laughing but she just keeps continuing laughing.

"Lauren what's goi- Chloe! Keep your mouth shut!" Aiden walks to us from the kitchen. Chloe stops with laughing. "You guys are no fun!" She sticks her tongue out. "Chloe can I do something for you? Because there are people behind you who wants to order" I say clearly annoyed to her. Aiden walks back to the kitchen.

And Now You're Gone (Sequel To: She Disappeard)Where stories live. Discover now