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"Good luck Christina! Bye!" I say to her and then I end our conversation on FaceTime. Then I see everyone looking at me from the couch.

Did they just listened to our whole conversation? Aiden stands up from the couch and walks to me. He gives me a hug. Probably because he thinks I need it.

And it's true.

Because before I know it I'm already crying in his arms. "Sshh.. I know that you miss them.." he rubs my arms. I feel someone else also hugging me. I don't care who it is I just kept crying. I miss them so much! And I miss Dani! Why did I moved to London?! Maybe I should have stayed in Nashville..

But maybe.. It would be even worse there. I would probably stay in my room all day there. I would snap at my sisters I wouldn't do anything. I would go to her room. I would pick her guitar maybe I would wreck it. Or maybe I would try to play it.

Try. Because I would never play the guitar normally. Not like Dani could.

"Lauren? Do you want ice cream?" Danielle asks me. I nod my head. Ice cream sounds good. "What is that with girls and ice cream?" Luke asks confused. Danielle walks out of the room. Then I realise that Luke and Aiden are still hugging me. Pfft.. I don't really care. Aiden whipes my tears away and lets go of me. "Aiden?! I can't find ice cream!" Danielle screams. Aiden runs to the kitchen to help her. It's morning. I didn't even had breakfast and I'm going to eat ice cream.


"Are you okay?" Luke suddenly asks. I turn around and look into his eyes. Luke stops hugging me and looks at me. "Yeah.. I think so" I give him a smile proving him I'm feeling alright. But the truth?

I'm not. I feel like I'm slowly falling into a depressing and I can't do anything about it.

I'm trying to keep everyone around me happy. Even myself. But it's not working!

"Lauren? There isn't any ice cream anymore.. But I've question, do you want to meet my friends today? I told you about them last night." Danielle says while walking into the room.

"Yeah, I don't mind" lies. I say. "But I've to be home at time. I need to work tomorrow" I say. I work three days in a week. I wanted to work more but they didn't needed someone else on other days. So I'm just accepting this right now.

"Yes! Come on!" Danielle grabs my arm and pulls me with her. "Bye Lauren!" Aiden screams after us. Why does he only says bye to me?

"Bye!" Luke screams also. Together with Danielle I walk away from their appartment.


"So here it is! I think you'll like my friends!" Danielle says smiling up at me since I'm a few centimeter taller then her. I'm almost taller then al my girl friends.

We are standing for another appartment not that far from Luke and Aiden's appartment. I walk behind Danielle into the building. When we walk into the livingroom I see 4 girls sitting on the ground.

"Hello girls!" Danielle screams excited. They all greet her back. "This is Lauren! She is the bestfriend of Aiden and she just moved to London so... She is going to hang out with us!" She screams to them. Okay... She is definitely different with her friends then with Aiden. I remember the girl who was whispering quiet to Aiden.

Why can't she be like that right now?

"Hey Lauren! I'm Chloë and this are Skyler, Emily and Ashley" A girl with short blond hair smiles at me. Okay she is definitely not shy.

I don't really like her. Please tell me that they are not all like this!

Skyler gives me a sweet smile. She has  brown hair with a lot of curls. I'm already jealous of her hair. Behind her I see Emily and Ashley. They also give me a sweet smile. They look like sisters. Are they twins?

"Yeah, we're twin sisters" Emily answers my question. Wait... Did I say that out loud? "Yes, you did" Danielle says while giving me a wink. I just look at her and scoff.

I don't like talking out loud.

"But we're going to have a girls day today!" Danielle screams and that's when we take off to the city.


"Bye Lauren! We will hang out soon!" Chloë screams from the car. I wave to her and then I walk into my appartment. When I shut the door I let out my breath. This was one hell of  a day.

Chloë is to loud, Danielle is to hyper, Skyler looks nices but doesn't say anything I think she even don't like them they are not really her type of friends and then you have Emily and Ashley who are always fighting with each other. They looked nice but they are to much to deal with.

And not really my type of friends. Today Emily and Ashley didn't want to walk together or do anything together so Emily decided to claim Danielle for everything and Ashley decided to claim Skyler. I needed to do everything with Chloë together! She always claimed me? Don't get me wrong she is a nice girl, but sometimes she is just so loud and she always wants to hug you and to hold your hand.

I don't want to do those kind of things with them. I just want to sit on the couch and watch some stupid tv-series and cry my sadness away. I don't want to do anything.

I don't want to pretend I'm happy anymore.

I really liked pretending that I was okay in the beginning. Because everyone thinks I'm fine. They don't need to worry about me. I don't want  them to worry about me. I just...

I can't do this anymore. There need to change something in my life. Or I will...


I'm falling apart, and I can feel every little piece hitting the ground, and it's killing me.


All I want is nothing more

To hear you knocking at my door.

Sorry I'm in love with this song right now. Hope you liked this chapter! ;D so things aren't that good for Lauren right now with her love for Aiden and the hate between the girls.


And Now You're Gone (Sequel To: She Disappeard)Where stories live. Discover now