5.Can I sleep with you?

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Selena had been calling me non stop since I told her about Tyler calling me over. " OMG you have only an hour left, Hailey! Are you ready yet?"
"It's not a fricking date! I will not 'get ready'!"
" but you need to look hot!"
"No I do not. I'm not even going to look 'hot'. He's just been flirting and it doesn't mean anything. I definitely don't want to make it mean something."
"Whatevs. You still need to tell me everything"
"I know. Hey I got to go soon"
"K bye, have fun on your date"
"It's not a da-" I began to say but she had already hung up. I opened my window and called out to Tyler, asking if I could climb into his room. I cautiously stepped out of the window and climbed into his, stumbling a little.

"So what movie are we watching?" I asked, a little out of breath.
"How do you feel about horror?"
"Too scary but I'll give it a try," I bluffed. I love horror. I knew he thought I'd be scared and grab his hand or something. I couldn't wait to see his expression when I was less scared than him.

We began to watch Sinister, the creepy 'family hanging out' scene playing. Halfway through the movie, Tyler screamed at seeing Bughul's face. I kind of laughed though. He clutched my hand till his knuckles were white. It was honestly hilarious to see him scream and cringe during the film parts. I had succeeded in holding in my laughter for a while.

"Are you laughing at me?" Tyler asked in disbelief, pointing his pizza slice at me.
"Well, duh! The bad boy of the school is scared of horror films and he's clutching the shy girls hand in fear. Who wouldn't laugh?"

Needless to say, Tyler was grumpy for the remainder of the movie. After a movie of Tyler being scared and me smiling while enjoying my pizza, I said goodbye to Tyler.

"Can I sleep with you, Hailey?"
"That came out wrong. I meant it innocently. There's nobody at home."
"Ooh, is Ty a little scared? Like he was in the end of Sinister? When he squealed like a goat and ran into his room, returning with a teddy?
"You're not telling anyone about that"
"If you say so. Come on in, I guess."

I hadn't yet thought of the fact that Tyler slept only in boxers and that we were sleeping in the same bed. I definitely didn't think that the sight of him shirtless would be a minor annoyance if I wanted to hate him. Heck, he was hawt! He had an eight pack or something.

"See something you like?"
"No, just debating over whether I can have someone so ugly in my room"
"Don't deny it, baby. I turn you on"
"Shut up and go to sleep. Are you always this thick headed? "
"No, but I'm sleepy"

We fell asleep side by side but I woke up with his arm wrapped around me. My head was lying on his chest and for some reason, I liked it. Until-
"Well well someone's in trouble.."

Longest chapter yet. That's not saying a lot, considering that most of my chapters are 400 words long. This is 500 something though. The picture is of the outfit Hailey wore for the not date, which is basically what she usually wears. She's played by Shay Mitchell, by the way. Cuz, I imagine her to be a little like Emily from Pretty Little Liars who Shay does really well on the TV show- like she's a little insecure and naturally pretty, really nice in general. Selena is played by Selena Gomez. I'm sorry but I just had to. Haven't yet decided on who's playing Tyler and Alec though. A vote would be highly appreciated

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