31. First Dates Are Pretty Dramatic

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It was almost midnight and I was cramming facts into my brain while simultaneously working on an essay. I had just finished sending my last college application and was waiting for the letter from NYU. I had worked pretty hard on the application essay and well, it was my dream college.

Meanwhile, finals were just around the corner and I had to get a shit ton of work done. Calculus was definitely the worst and I was struggling and tired and irritated and half asleep when my gmail showed a new email. It was from Tyler. I ignored it and continued studying for Calculus. A paper ball fell into my room. My phone beeped. I ignored both. God, he was a pest. Another paper ball. I went to the window to close it.

"There you are!" he said, his face lighting up.

"I'm here to close the window dumbass," I replied.

"You're so mean! Even after I try being romantic..."

"Fine! I'll read the paper ball," I said, unable to resist those adorable puppy dog eyes. It said:

"Wendy run away with me
I know I sound crazy
Don't you see what you do to me?
I wanna be your lost boy
Your last chance, a better reality

Wendy we can get away
I promise if you're with me, say the word and we'll find a way
I can be your lost boy, your last chance
Your "everything better" plan
Somewhere in Neverland"

"Aww, look at you quoting All Time Low to me," I said. I loved All Time Low. "But I have no idea how that is relevant."

"Uh, read the back." I did. It was the name of a café and a date and time.


"Yeah..soo is it a yes?"

"I'm sorry but I really can't. Finals are in a week and I really need to work hard."

"Even if I help you study later?"

"I wish I could but I really can't."

"Oh. It's ok. After Finals?"

"Yeah, sure!" I replied. He closed his window and I closed mine. I felt pretty bad. On one hand, we didn't have much time together. On the other hand, Finals were treating me out. Huh, maybe I did need a break.

"Wait, Tyler!" I called out but the idiot couldn't hear me. I a paper ball at the window, hearing the soft thud it made. Thankfully, he did hear that.


"Screw the Finals. I've been working my ass off and I could really use a break."

"So it's a yes?" he said, his eyes lighting up.

"Yes, its a yes," I replied, smiling back.


I began to play with the hem of my top, waiting for Tyler. I mean, sure, we'd gone for 'dates' before except not really dates. We'd been out to various places together as friends, just the two of us, before wed started dating and hanging out had been fun. Oh, Lord, what if the date was awkward because we were dating or like, overly romantic or something? Or, what if I did something wrong? Or what if he was really into PDA...I didn't mind occasional kisses but what if he wanted to make out or something? Was I even ready for that with him? Oh, God, did my breath stink? What if the date was too posh for my black tank top and denim shorts? But he was the one who asked me to wear something like that so maybe not...? Ugh!

Ah, crap, the bell rang. I took a deep breath and opened it. 

"You made the effort to come from the front door this time?" I said, hiding my nervousness with a grin.

"Well, I've heard girls get nervous about dates so shocking you may have caused you to slap me with something like one of those heavy Calculus books of yours," he replied with a shrug.

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