Roman x Cinder (Burning Wick)

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                             little moments together...was it just one moment? I can't remember unless I have to rewatch.

Well, the justification of the fans for this is that they're both charmingly evil and they worked together. Tadah! A ship!

But again, this one question appears 'Who knows right?' Things must have happened on the job. Know what I mean? Ehehe. Cause stuff tend to happen during jobs.

This ship definitely is a 'love and hate one' or depending on the fan, a difficult one. If this happened, it's easy to visualize that they can't have a cute relationship because of Cinder'

I think they both have their own problems.

And Roman (oh Roman beloved) might be dead (MIGHT) because if you get swallowed like a grim like that, you might be able to stab it and then it will turn to dust and you will escape.

*I didn't know their ship name... So I made 2:
°Burning Wick
°Scorching Bullet

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