Chapter One

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I found the picture on Instagram, all credit goes to the rightful owner, the tails are from Finfolkproductions. I just added the caption from the post, onto the picture.

Skylar's P.O.V.

Life is a strange thing sometimes, huh?
How quick things could change. At least for me. One minute, you're a happy child running through a field of flowers, the next, you grow fins and gills, living with basically complete strangers that won't let you leave and only have one friend. Well, I guess life down here may be a little easier than up there.

I'm not being bullied anymore. The merpeople are so nice. The children are playful, everyone just cares so much about you and your safety. Even if you were once a human. They look at it now as, you became them so you're brought into the family. Family protects and cares for each other. It feels almost like a family.

I laid onto my stomach, on a makeshift sea weed "bed" pile. By that, it was basically just a pile of sea weed. 
I twirled my finger around a piece of seaweed, making it wrap around my finger, floating up into the water. I sighed, putting my hand back down. I missed Mom, I missed my friends.

Why would Aquilius ban me from seeing them when they already know? I went with him, isn't that enough?! I took another breath. I didn't even look like I came from land anymore. Shirt? Huh! Don't have that. Like when I normally would change, I would at least be able to wear what my top was. But they wanted me to be more like them. I hid it underneath all of the sea weed when I have to where a shell bra. I didn't want to completely lose it, it's all I got left of home.

My hair was most of the time braided, thanks to Azalea. She has so much fun playing with my hair. She hasn't done it yet today, but I'm sure the next time I see her she will. She always loves to braid my hair, tie it back with a few strains of sea weed (since they seem to use that a lot down here), put a few flowers, star fish in my hair and pretty much whatever she could find to help decorate it.
Down here, she's like my sister, she's all I have. At least to talk to and be a friend with. Some other mergirls try to befriend me sometimes but, they just don't click with me. I only feel actually comfortable with Azalea.

Speaking of which, I heard movement. Looking over my shoulder, my hair flowing slowly passed me. I put my hand up to push it the rest of the way. Azalea swam in, she smiled at me.

"Hello, Skylar." She floated down to take a seat next to me. I sat up, looking down at my fins. "Hey."

"Something wrong?" She asked, her eyes kept glancing up to my hair then back to me. She reached up and started to braid my hair once again.

I folded my arms. "Just.. Homesick is all."
She didn't respond right away, probably thinking of something to say to help me.

"I'm really sorry, I tried to help you but my-"

"No, it's not your fault." I cut her off. "It's my stupid fault for letting my fears get out of control."

She grabbed some sea weed from my pile and started to tie my hair back. She glanced around the room, tapping her chin. She stopped when she spotted a star fish. Swimming to it, she picked it up and put it in my hair.

"How about.... We go for a swim? Help get your mind off things." She grabbed my arms, pulling me up. With a flick of my tail, it helped propel me through the water faster.

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