Chapter Twenty- Three

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The sun was already setting, I watched as the last rays of sun was shinning in the sky and slowly sinking under the land in the distance. The salty air blew in my face, reminding me of my other new home. I looked over at Azalea who was excitingly watching the water. I looked over on my other side, seeing my Mom and my two best friends. Their expressions were all emotionless. I looked back forward at the water, watching the little waves it was making hit against the docks.

The sun set even more, making the sky a dark blue, the moon made itself known.
It's time..
we made our way to the docks, passing by some boats that were parked in the water for the night. Heads emerged from the waters surface, some were familiar faces.

Azalea smiled, she then began running.
"Mother! Father!" She yelled happily, cannon balling into the water, off the dock. Bright colors erupted from the waters, very brightly. Then she came back up, throwing her arms around her parents who gladly hugged her back.

"Oh my precious angle fish!" Meredith smiled, hugging her tighter.

The scene was too sweet that I couldn't hold back a smile, then it fell when I realized that it was my turn. They stopped hugging and Aquilius looked up at me, then back to my Mom and friends. He approached the dock, and pointed at my Mom, moving his finger to call her to him. She came over, crouching down in front of him. He took her hand.

"I'm sorry the pain you had to endure while your child was gone. I now know what the pain feels like and to be on the receiving end. But I cannot stop migration. If we stayed, we would die. But, every year we come back to this spot, when the water gets warmer, keep an eye out. Because I will allow your daughter to come visit you, any time she likes."

A huge smile forced its way onto my face. My Mother smiled in shock but pure happiness.

"Are you serious?!" I gasped.

Ava and Noah tried controlling their excitement and keep quiet.

He gave us one, nod. Smiling. "Yes."

"Thank you so much!" I jumped in excitement.

"As long as you don't blow your existence." He told me sternly.

"She can come on that little sandy area near my house!" Ava called out excitingly. We all looked back at her, then I turned back to Aquilius.

"If that is secluded, then you may."

Ava and Noah took some steps onto the dock we were on.

"Come along, we need to get a move on. We will be swimming for a while tonight." Aquilius backed up from the docks.

I turned to my Mom, then wrapped my arms around her. "I love you." I mumbled into her ear.

"I love you too, baby." She pet the back of my head.

I let go, then turned to Ava.
"Yeah you better not be leaving me without a hug!" Ava snapped, smiling and pulling me into a tight hug.

"You know I wouldn't." I laughed, then looked at Noah.
He had his hands tucked into his pockets, he looked at me then around to everyone else.

"Bring it in." I held my arms out, giggling.

He couldn't hide his little grin that was forming, then he threw his arms around me, setting his chin on my head. When we broke apart, I walked to the edge of the dock. I hesitantly sat down onto it, kicking off my flip flops. I sat them aside and my Mom instantly took them. The water was deep of course but it was a little far away from the dock. So I leaned back, stretching my foot out to feel the water. Right as my toe touched the top of it, I yanked it back. "Ah, its cold." I gasped, then with his foot, Noah kicked me in. I yelped, but was blocked out by the water.

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