Chapter Ten

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I groaned, the first thing that greeted me was pain. I felt the sun beating down on me. I didn't feel the cool water around me anymore, I felt sand beneath me. I tried to force my eyes to open, they began to sting with the sun's light in my eyes.

Wait! I'm not dead yet.. What about Azalea?! I tried to push myself up on my elbows, my body protested at me. If we have been up here too long we could dry out! I was able to get my eyes to finally open, looking a head of me, seeing myself on a small little sandy area, hidden away from sight. The same place I woke up when I turned first.

I about froze in shock of what I had seen, I couldn't see my tail anymore. I saw MY LEGS?! I HAVE MY LEGS BACK?!?!
I almost squealed in excitement, but I bit my tongue, not wanting to draw any attention if someone were to hear me. I ran my hand over my right knee, finding the feeling weird of being able to control two things instead of one thing, and feeling skin rather than scales. I tried to get myself to stand, but only for my legs to wobble and give out from beneath me.

Wait, where's Azalea?!
"Azalea?" I called out, hoping that she was okay. "Azalea?" I tried to stand again but fell once again onto my knees. I was covered in sand, sticking to my body. The bushes ruffled, I stared at it. Until I saw Azalea jump up and fall over the bush.

She screamed, trying to run away but constantly falling over. She had legs too?! Oh my God what is happening?

She screamed, running or more like stumbling by me. "Skylar! Help! They're chasing me!" She screamed. I covered my mouth to hold back a laugh. I grabbed her when she got close enough and pulled her down.

"They are apart of you!" I told her. Right when my right hand touched her, I had to yank it away in pain. Using my other hand to grab my wrist.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" She sat up.

"Yeah, I guess. I think I grabbed the wrong thing when I was sucked in.

"Lemme see." She leaned over, pulling my hand to her. A needle like thing stuck straight out from my hand. She grabbed and yanked it out. I flinched in pain.
"Sea Urchin." Was all she said and she flicked it to the other side of the beach.

"But aren't they poisonous?"

"Yeah, but we will take care of it." She scooted away.

I nodded, then looked down. I yelped and hid behind a bush. I just realized I have nothing covering.. That area..

"What's wrong now?" She watched me like I was crazy.

"I'm naked!" I exclaimed.

"What are you-" she looked down. "Oooohhhh.."

"If I still had my shirt, it was long enough to cover most of me. It would have made life way more easier." I groaned. "Wait, how were we able to turn human?"

"I don't know, I only learned a little of it. I guess it just doesn't have that strong of an effect on creatures in the water. Certain creatures. Mostly human and mermaid. Nothing really comes this way. It doesn't effect normal fish. I don't know! It's confusing!" She rubbed her head.

"Okay, well for starters.. We should try to see Ava. We're right by her house. She could help us." I looked up to the cliff.

"No! We have to get back home! Mom and Dad are going to be worried sick about us!" She tried to run into the water.

"And what are you planning on doing? You know you can't survive down there anymore right?"

She sunk into the water, and all I saw was feet kicking up at the surface to push her under water. I saw a few bubbles then it was quiet. I waited like five seconds, then the bubbles came back and she erupted from the water, panting heavily.
"How do you swim with these things?!" She kicked her feet.

I laughed. "You can but they aren't made for it. You're not going to be able to swim as fast as you use too."

"Are you kidding me?!"

"No," I shook my head. "These are made for land, and you ma'am are not on land. So if you please, come back here and let's go get help."

"I can get my parents!"

"Azalea, you can't. They're way too deep in the water. You'll never make it, you know this."

She sighed, pulling herself on land. "You need a little human help for this one." I told her.

"But Dad said we need to stay away from them."

"Yes, he did. But we are now human. They aren't gonna treat us like when we had scales. They will just assume we are all human. Plus, Ava is nice. You'll be fine."

I was about to stand up but froze. I clapped my hands together, looking to the girl. "And if you would be so kind and to turn around."

She rolled her eyes and completely put her back to me. I stood up and ran the hill that would lead to the top of the cliff. Thank God Ava lived away from people, or this would be way worse than it is. I made it to the top while Azalea stayed in the sand.

"Just stay there, I'll come back for you!" I shouted down to her.
She nodded, still not looking at me. I ran down to Ava's house which wasn't too far. It was fine until I ran into her driveway.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Rocks! Rocks!" I yelped to myself. Hopping from foot to foot. I made it up to her house and raised my hand but decided against it. No! Stupid! Don't knock! That'll be the time her Mom answers the door or something and it would probably scare the living day lights out of her if she see the girl who is supposedly missing and naked on her porch.

I was starting to back up but the door knob jiggled. I yelped and fell over the railing and into a bush.

"We will need to start packing if we're going to visit Mom. You think Ava will be okay?" A feminine voice asked.

"She will be fine,  she said she didn't want to go. And your Mom has cats, Ava is allergic to cats. So if she did go anyways she would be so miserable. It's one weekend, she will be just fine." It was her parents, they were walking away and to the car. I backed out of the bush and sneaked up the stairs. They had their backs turned to me so luckily they never even noticed me. I opened the door, rubbing my back from the fall.

It opened and I stepped in. It had dark hard wood, to my right was the living room and my left was the hall. I hugged myself, and like normal, they go crazy with the AC!

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