Chapter Twenty- Two

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I rolled over in my bed, yawning. I looked over to see Azalea, half falling in the floor but managing to sleep peacefully. I looked up at the ceiling, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Then rubbing my whole face. I stretched out my legs, gaining a sudden cramp in them. I instantly stopped, gasping, then falling into the floor. I heard the door open. "Ho- honey?" Mom looked around.

"Down here.." I groaned.

"What are you doing in the floor?"


"Oh dear." She grumbled, coming over, grabbing me by the arms and helping me back up onto the bed.
I grabbed my leg, trying to get the pain out.

"Well, breakfast is made if you two are hungry." Mom patted my back.

"Okay," I nodded. "Thanks, we will be down in a minute."

She left to walk out the door. Azalea sat up next to me, rubbing her tired eyes.
"What's going on?"
She yawned.

I got up. "Breakfast is ready." I reached for the door knob, twisted and pulled but bumped into the door. The knob felt cold, freezing cold!
"Huh?" I backed off, looking down at it. It was so stiff that it wouldn't turn.

"Yeah?" She got up, coming up behind me.

"The door knob won't turn." I jiggled it more. Then looked down at it again. "It's frozen!"

"Wait, really?"

"Yes! It won't budge!" I pulled more on it.

"This is our last day, some of our abilities are returning. Back up, let me try." She pushed me behind her, then held out her hand, closing it slowly. Water dropped from it, making a small puddle on the floor. She dropped her hand to her side, then marched up to it. Grabbing it and before she could turn it, she quickly yanked her hand back. "Ow!" She gasped.
"It's too hot now.." she shook her hand.

"How bad?" I tried to look over her shoulder to her hand.

"That my flesh is burning." She stated like I just asked the stupidest question in the world.

"Okay okay, sheesh." I backed off, grabbing my blanket and bringing it over. "Let's try this." I put it to the knob and turned it. Hearing the click and feeling the heat begin to radiate through the blanket itself. I was able to throw the door open and toss the blanket to to bed.
"Gosh! I felt that through that thick of a quilt!"

Now on my blanket, there was one spot that was a darker than the others. Where it was burnt. "Let's just leave this open and give it some time to hopefully cool off." I said, backing out of the room.
"And get you something for that burn." I pointed at her, turning around and walking down the hall.

I visited the bathroom first, looking through the cabinets to find some type of cooling gel that could be on her hands. I pulled it out and opened the container, before I could grab her arm, she stopped me.

"Wait! What if that turns me?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's our last day, since we're already gaining our abilities back, what if I put that on and it gives me my tail?"

I rolled my eyes a little. "No, I'm sure you're fine. Even if you do, we can always toss you out into a lake until I'm ready to turn." I joked, taking her hand. I rubbed some of the gel onto her hand, she flinched at the cold sensation.

"You will be fine!" I put the container back. "Shouldn't happen yet." I squeezed past her and down to the kitchen. She huffed, then followed me.
We got down to the kitchen to see a huge meal already set out for us.

"Oh wow, Mom. What's with all of this?"

She looked up after setting a plate down.
"I just thought to fill you up since... You're going back." She came from around the table.

"Oh, Mom." I hugged her. I know this would be a rough time for her, but I don't care what Aquilius says. I am coming back to see my Mother! I don't care how long it takes or if he tries to stop me. Because this isn't right! I will be back for her. She hugged me tightly then let go.

"Okay! Now eat up." She left the room, instantly snapping into a happier mood.
I turned towards the table, a little of everything was made! Different kinds of pancakes, regular, blueberry, chocolate, every kind! There were sausages, waffles, eggs, bacon, biscuits, everything.

Wow... I grabbed a plate and started to stack it up high. I passed Azalea a plate as well. Then we sat down to eat.

"I'm sorry about my Dad.." Azalea started.

I looked over at her and she continued.

"But I am willing to help you see her whenever you can." She forced a smile.

"Really? That's so unlike you."

"Yeah.. but I understand what you two are going through, and it would just be ridiculous if Father doesn't see this. She already knows and she has treated me well. You should be able to see her. I am willing to help you."

"Thank you." I smiled at her, taking a bite of my pancake.

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