Chapter Fifteen

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Today was full of fun events, going to different places and doing different things. Finally to end the day, we decided to do something to help put Azalea to ease. It was all a big change for the poor girl, so we decided to take her somewhere with familiar things. That would remind her more of home. Yeah, may not have been the best idea but we just thought to see familiar sights that would calm her easier.

"Where are we?" Azalea asked looking around.

I pulled her out of the car, looking up at the big building in front of us. The sky was dark and littered with bright shinning stairs. I could smell the salty air as the wind blew through my hair. "The aquarium, I thought you would like it. Plus, I'm showing the others what I had to live with for a month."

"You mean a jail for fish..."

"Okay it sounds worse when you put it like that." I shrugged, having the others get out the car as well. We headed for the building. It was getting close to closing time but it was just the right amount of time we needed to let us look around since I knew we weren't gonna be in there long anyhow. It was a small aquarium. Azalea had her head craned back, gazing up at the stars. Like she was hypnotized by them. I almost forgot, just seeing the stars to her has to be incredible since she never gets to go up on land to see them. Her Father always kept her in the water, away from human, away from any land creature.

We skipped up the steps, up to the woman in the ticket booth. "Hello, five of us. one adult and four teens." Mom smiled at the woman, digging through her purse.

"Yes, ma'am." The woman nodded, punching in the register. "That'll be... $64.75." She looked up, waiting for my Mother to get the money out.

"Wow.. That's pretty expensive Mrs. Smith." Noah commented.

"Oh," She sighed. "It's fine, Noah. I don't care how much money I spend at this point." She pulls the exact amount of money out and hands it to the woman who of course hands us our tickets, telling us to enjoy. "I don't know how long I'll have Skylar for. I have to enjoy the time while I have it." She pushed the glass door open, us following behind.

"Mom, you don't have to make yourself go broke just because I'm here. I'm fine by doing little things like just sitting out on the porch and looking up at the stars or so." I say.

"Yeah, but it's fine. It really is. The one time you're able to come up on land I want you to have a good time. Whose to say when the next time you can do this? Just forget about money and enjoy yourselves."

Well, I guess she's right on that but I don't want to go back and she's flat out broke and can't support herself. I sighed, maybe while I can, just enjoy it. We made it to a little pond with little stingrays and one little sand shark.

"Wow.. Skylar, you live with these?" Ava gasped, looking over into the pond.

"Well, I see them every once in a while. I don't see them super often, but I see these guys more." I point to the sand shark that was just chilling in one spot.

Azalea's hands gripped onto the sides of the glass tank, while she peered over at them. I glanced over at he, she seemed almost like she was concentrating. "They are confused.."
We stopped whatever we were doing to look over at her, letting her go on.

"They do not understand why are they going around and around in circles, not going anywhere and getting away from the people.. They are frustrated. They don't like all of this constant attention.. They try to leave, but only run into more of them and some who are similar.. They feel stir crazy, not able to go far. They are irritated.." Right as she finished saying this, one of them came up and splashed a little girl in the face, which made her gasp in surprise, her parents laughing with her.

Azalea slowly looked over that way. "That was frustration.."

Noah and Ava looked to each other, unsure of what to say or do. "Um, let's go over here." I grabbed her arm and pulled her over to another tank. It was filled with a bunch of little jelly fish.

"Now what are they thinking?" Noah asked her.

Azalea kept her eyes on them. "They are not thinking about anything," She looks over at him like he just asked the most stupidest question in the world. "They don't have brains.. They just float there."

"Okay then." Noah awkwardly clapped his hands together.

"Oh! Check this out!" Ava grabbed Noah and mine's arms and dragged us over to another little tank with a little turtle swimming around in it. "He is so cute!" She about squealed in excitement.

"But he-" I silenced Azalea before she could say any other depressing thing about the turtle. She automatically stopped and bit her tongue about whatever she was going to say. We moved on and made our way through the building, coming up on a huge tank, filled with big fish. Azalea gave it one look before jumping and falling to the floor in the fetal position, whimpering. I looked up at the tank again to see what was scaring her. Swimming up at the top of the tank was these giant sharks. The jaws theme music was practically playing in my head. When I looked back down to her, I noticed how people were already pointing and laughing at her. I exhaled. grabbing Azalea's arm. "Come on, you're fine." I assured.

"No! I'm not! There's a sha-"

"He can't hurt you!" I told her, making her look back up to me. "He's in the tank, he cannot touch you or eat you. Were not gonna let him, you are safe."

"Are you sure?" She trembled.

"Yes, I am very sure." I confirmed, pulling her up to her shaking feet.

"Are you okay?" Noah asked her with concern, putting a hand on her left upper arm. She nodded quickly in response.

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