Chapter Seven

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Night time had now fallen, Aquailus spoke with me about what I had witnessed earlier today. Of course making sure I was alright, but told me to never get too close to the surface again. For my own protection. But I could not just leave them to die, there were young babies in that pod! I couldn't bring myself to just leave, I know Azalea couldn't either.

I poked my head out my little hole to be sure everyone was in bed, a few of them were up, but it was manageable. I was going to meat up with my Mom and friends again at the dock. I think I would be fine, just a little visit. I would be back before they would even notice. I pushed off the edge and into the open ocean. I was able to swim out of sight and down in the direction of the docks.

Seeing all of the fish swim by me, the ocean grew a little darker. But like what Meredith told me earlier that my body was still changing and adjusting to my new life. My senses were a little more heightened. Being able to see better than a normal human in the dark waters. I'm not saying I can completely see under water when it's pitch black like it's day time, I'm saying that I can see just a little better compared to a human.

Looking up to the surface of the water, I could see the moon's light shinning through the water. Some bits of light was able to penetrate the ocean and dance around in the shallow part, on the ocean floor. I tried to pick up my speed, not wishing to be late. Finally, I could spot the legs of the dock. I swam up to it, gripping the leg of it, having to shove my hair out of my eyes that floated in front of my face. Feet hanged over the side of dock, right above the water.

"It's a bit of a chilly night isn't it?" I heard my Mom say.

"Yeah, it's freezing." Ava responded.

"You're always cold." I heard Noah's voice.

I grinned at the idea in my head, I was able to pick out who was who from the water. Then I stuck my hand out and grabbed onto what I hoped was Ava's leg. She screeched, trying to kick me off first. It pulled me out of the water, I felt the water force itself out of my lungs and out my mouth and nose. My eyes went blurry. I would have been laughing right now if I wasn't so busy choking!

"Skylar! You're a jerk!" I heard Ava yell at me. I wiped at my eyes, trying to clear them and finish getting the remaining water out of my lungs.

"Yeah, but it was worth it!" I tried to laugh but only to get cut off by more coughing.

"Good to see that you're still keeping your spirits up." Noah commented.

"I try what I can." I cleared my throat, placing my hands up onto the dock to pull myself up. Ava and Mom almost helped me up but I waved them off. "It's okay, I do this all the time. I got some STRONG arms now since I lost my legs." I laughed.

"So how are things? Are they taking care of you down there?" Mom asked, crouching down next to me.

"I'm okay, Mom. And they have been. Still have to go through a type of school." My mouth formed a straight line, shrugging.

"Are you serious?" Noah asked in disbelief, leaning closer.

I breathed. "Yyyyyyeeeeeeeppppah. I still have to attend that cause they want me to know as much about the ocean as I can."

"Are they even feeding you?! I can see your ribs!" Mom exclaimed, putting her hand on my belly but for me to easily grab her hand and casually move it away.

"I'm fine, they give me food." I told her. "May not be what I had in mind.." I mumbled quietly to myself so she wouldn't hear. "But it's normal to be pretty skinny when you're like this, you have to include about your whole body when you swim and you're constantly moving."

"Are you sure?" She asked me with worry obvious in her voice.

"Mom," I gave her the are you kidding me look. "I am living that life, I am sure that I am pretty sure." I nodded my head, giving her a little laugh.

She tried to smile at me, but then pulled her bag over. "Well, just to be sure.. I brought you this." She handed me a bowl with a top. I pulled the top of it off to peer inside the container.

I gasped, "TACOS!" I yelled, then covered me mouth, hoping no one heard me. I could hear Noah and Ava giggling from behind me and my Mom's smile grew even wider.

"Oh how I missed you!" I picked one up that was still a little warm. "Way more than those two behind me." I took a bite.

"Hey!" Ava protested.

I smiled, my mouth full with the goodness! They tasted as good as I remembered. "You know what else I miss?" I asked, glancing behind me to the others then back down to the bowl.

"Huh?" Ava scooted closer where I could see her.

"Call of Duty Zombies."

"Yas! I miss playing with you! I killed Noah over and over again in there and it just isn't the same.." She sighed. I laughed, covering me mouth.

"Hey! You did not kill me that much!" Noah called her out.

"You're right.." Ava nodded, looking down. "I killed you way more than that! You hardly get me!" She perked up.

"No! I got you before!"

"Yeah, like once. Because I got stuck behind the desk." She shook her head.

Noah playfully glared at her, that night was all filled with nothing but laughter, happiness, and old memories. It felt good to be able to see and be with them again. Even though it can't be for the whole time.

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