Chapter Two

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"Hey give it back!" Little children giggled, tackling each other for some type of shell.

"Adamaris!" A merboy called to a little girl, a little younger than him. She seemed to be the smallest of the group playing. He tried to toss it to her with the other kids trying to hold him down, of course not going very fast, being in water. But it actually did go a little farther than I was expecting.

The little girl got it and swam as fast as she could in another direction.

"Come on! She got it!" Another boy pointed. They all got off the other boy and all swam after the little girl. But by the time they could even get to her, she had reached the goal. Apparently where they were suppose to go when they had the shell.

"Aw! Dang it! I was so close!" A boy whined. The little girl, Adamaris, giggled at him.

"Hi new girl." One of the boys from the group swam to me, on his back. He seems the oldest, looking about thirteen. 

"Hi." I mumbled.

"Wanna play?" He took the shell from one of his team mates and held it up.

"Yeah! You should do it!" Azalea shook me.

"I- I don't know about that, I don't even know how to play." I rubbed my arm.

"It's okay, I'll teach you." He waved it off.

Wow, even the boys are a lot nicer down here.

"So, there will be two teams. You have to take this shell and get it to your goal. You can toss it to your team mates but it can't touch the ground. You can also tackle each other for it!" He smiled excitingly.

"Sounds like football." I commented.

"What?" He stared, then looked back to the others. "Okay, who can take her on the team?"

"We can." Adamaris raised her hand.

"Okay, there you go. Good luck." He swam to his team.

I looked back at Azalea, unsure.
"It's okay, let's go. I use to play this all the time when I was younger."

"Ready? One, two, three!" Someone threw the shell, it slowly floated down.

I just kinda sat there. "How does this game even work..?"

"Eh, it doesn't matter. Just don't let it touch the ground, get it to the goal, and it's an excuse to tackle each other."

By the time I looked back, the shell was coming towards me. I took it, looking down at it then back up, almost having a heart attack seeing all the merkids swimming full force at me.

I was like a deer in head lights at that moment, I got tackled. Bumping into someone when I got down. The kids gasped, then backed away.

What were they looking at? I looked up to see Aqualius looking down at me. I flinched, oh no..
I got up, backing away.

"Sorry, sir." They all swam away, the boy kinda lingered behind. "Sorry, Skylar. We-we can play later." He swam off.

"Wait for me! I have little fins!" Adamaris called after them, trying to keep up.

"It's fine, didn't do no harm." Aqualius said. "So I see you're finding your place here? For being here for a month I do believe." He gestured for me to swim with him and talk.

"Not really, sir. Just, don't feel like I'm fitting in." 

"You will you will, it just takes time. A lot of adjustment. And please, you don't have to call me sir. The kids just over reacted."

Cursed with Fins TWO The Land CallsWhere stories live. Discover now