Chapter Twenty- One

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"She was what?!" Ava gasped.

"She was dragged under by the other merpeople." I told her, walking in with a soda and collapsing down onto the couch.

"Did they not see her legs?" Noah asked.

"I had a long skirt on, and it was cloudy. They probably couldn't see them and assumed them to be a tail." Azalea cut in.

"Well are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Ava put a hand on her shoulder, asking with concern.

"I'm fine." Azalea shook it off. "It just got me by surprise. At least they now know what's going on and will tell my parents I will be home tomorrow." She smiled.

I looked down, having what she said on replay in my head. Be home tomorrow.. her home. Still not mine. At least it doesn't feel like it. I was thrown into that world. Even when I do go back, will I even be able to see my family and friends again? Will Aquilius allow that? Or will he keep a better watch on me and won't let me go? I didn't know, but since Azalea was kinda taken from him, maybe he will get a better understanding by how my Mother felt when I was taken away. She had the worst end of it, since tomorrow will be the very last day to be here. At least Aquilius gets his kid back.

"Skylar, what do you think?"

I shook my head. "Huh?" I looked up.

"What do you think? If tomorrow is your last day, will you turn back at night or that very morning?" Noah repeated.

I thought about it. "I don't know, I would assume that evening but of course I haven't seen anything like this and I'm sure Azalea hasn't either, so we're both clueless what could happen. Just hope it's not gonna happen out in public."

They nodded in agreement.
"What now? Since you're leaving tomorrow."

I looked over at Noah. "Make the most of it. Or at least just enjoy what we can while it lasts." I shrugged.

There was a short awkward pause, obviously no one knew what to say next. Then I thought of something, remembering when Aquilius pulled me aside the other day to talk to me.
"Azalea, when are we suppose to migrate?"

She thought about it, then looked up to me. "Well, we should have already left a while ago. But we had to get you use to your fins and then us going missing was a major set back.. But since we saw those other mermen, that means they're still here." She looked down at her thumbs, fiddling with them. "But they don't have much longer. The water is getting colder, we don't have anything to keep us warm. If this went on for so much longer and they stayed there... They would freeze to death."

That worried me a little. Even though they weren't my family, they were still nice to me and cared about me like a family would.
"They will be okay till tomorrow right?"

Then she nodded, looking back up.

I sighed in a little relief.

"But food sources will go down too. They should be fine and be able to last one more day. But if this went on for too long, either they will freeze to death or starve."

I swallowed, then nodded. "One more day, they should be fine."

Cursed with Fins TWO The Land CallsWhere stories live. Discover now