Chapter Twenty

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One day down, another to go, my last one..
the whole day at the fair was great! But Azalea didn't like to be on the rides a lot. Some were fun for her but others... eh..
Describing her and rides, she screamed the whole time on the ferries wheel.. okaaaay, maybe rides aren't her thing. But it was still fun! I rolled over in bed, feeling the other side of the bed as being empty.

"Azalea?" I sat up, looking around my small room. No where to be seen. I threw the blankets aside, getting out of bed. I opened the door.
I walked down the dim hall, looking around for her. I came to the kitchen to see Mom preparing herself some coffee.


"Yes, honey?" She turned around, holding the mug in both of her hands.

"Have you seen Azalea?"

"Umm," she squinted her eyes, looking away, trying to think. "I think she went outside." She pointed to the door. "I doubt she would go far."

I started to head for the door, pulling open the screen door and stepping outside. It was a very cloudy day, causing the outside world to be very dim. I got down the steps and looked around. Nothing. I thought, "where could she be?"

Then a thought came to mind, the water! I ran down to the docks first, since thank goodness it wasn't far from my house.

I ran through a short cut through the woods, getting smacked in the face by every branch there. Until I made it.

"Azalea?" I looked around. At first I didn't see anybody. Until I heard a small, "Skylar?"

I ran onto the dock and peered over the edge, seeing Azalea in a long, light blue skirt and a black top. She was floating on top of the water.
"Azalea, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, I just missed being in the water. I just thought I could at least go and sit by it and put my feet in... but it went farther than I expected."

I chuckled. "It's fine, so I take you're comfortable?"

She smiled and nodded.

Then my smile started to slowly fade away when I saw something coming up from underneath her. I couldn't get the words out fast enough, it was like all of my words were caught in my throat. Then, she was yanked under.

"AZALEA!!" I screamed. And without thinking, I jumped in. The water was cool, and getting colder. I swam as fast as I could down to try to catch up with her. But of course, not having my fins anymore, I could only go so fast. If I didn't save her, she would die. She can't breathe water anymore. I hope I can pull her out of this.

I started to be able to hear muffled sounds, that soon became to sound like voices. I started to get close enough to see figures and shapes.

"We found the princess! We got her!"

Ooooohhhhh noooooo...
I tried to go faster, I was almost there! But I needed to breathe soon, I can't hold my breathe for so long! Water was trying to get in my nose and the disgusting taste of the water started to seep into my mouth.

I got closer, than a hand reached out and grabbed mine. I tried to see, but I wasn't a mermaid anymore, my eyes can't adjust to the water anymore. So everything I saw was blurry. But it looked like Azalea. I tried to pull her away, but something else grabbed my other hand.

"It's a human! She's after the princess!" A voice called. I kicked at him, trying to at least push him away. Then they grabbed my feet, trying to pry me away for Azalea.
Before they could, I lost my grip on her arm, but I was able to grab her ankle.
I heard sounds, then whoever was pulling on me stopped.

"Get them to the surface! Now!" Another yelled. At this point, my lungs was screaming at me to breathe! I felt strong arms grab me, and wrap around my waist. I felt water rush by me and I was propelled up to the top. I accidentally took a gulp of water, choking. I heard us hit the surface and I started gasping. I was thrown onto the docks. I puked up the water I swallowed. Azalea was thrown up too. We were both coughing harshly.

"Are you okay, princess?"

I looked behind me, seeing three merman.

"Yes." Azalea nodded, holding her throat.

"What happened to you two?" They looked at the both of us.

"The whirlpool." I pointed in the direction of it. The followed my finger even though they couldn't see it from here, then looked back to us.

"When will you be able to return home?" Another asked.

"Tomorrow, should be. That's when it should wear off." Azalea got to her knees, ringing out the skirt that was now clinging to her because of all of the water.
"Please tell my parents I am okay, and will be home tomorrow. To meet here. And that I am sorry." She looked down in sorrow.

"Why would you be sorry?" A merman asked, confusion visible in his features.

"I was so childish and careless to let this happen. To leave so prematurely."

They looked at each other. Then to her. The first one spoke. "You do not need to be sorry, ma'am. It was an accident. You did not intend for this to happen, right?"

She nodded, confirmation.

"Then you have nothing to be sorry for. But if you sill feel the need to say that, wait for tomorrow. You can tell them then yourself." He smiled to her.

"Thank you." Azalea smiled lightly at him.

"Come on, men. Let's go give the King and Queen the good news! Stay well, my princess." He looked back to her.

"Will do." She nodded.

And with that, all three dove back under the waters surface. Heading towards wherever the pod may be. Azalea looked at me, then smiled.

"Let's go back and dry off." She told me, then she turned around and left. I followed behind her, picking at my clothing that stuck to me.

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