Chapter Nine

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A/N The lovely new cover was made by an amazing author that you should check out. She even made me a book jacket to go with this book that's to your right! 

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Chapter Nine

          “We were free, roaming the Earth, dominant with our sharp teeth and hunting skills. Then man came into the world and we were faced with our first threat. They had hands to build tools, weapons, and food. We were nearly defenseless against them. For centuries there was a small war between the wolves and humans. We would steal their livestock and they would kill us for our fur. 

          “Then there was a time when a young wolf, barely out of her pup years, named Shakra came along. She felt differently towards the humans then her brothers and sisters in the pack. Shakra was even caught constantly spying on the humans, almost enviously.

          “At this point there was also a man, young in his years, named Pamenti who lived on the outskirts of town near the forest, isolated from the rest of man. He too felt sorry for the war going on between the two species. He often left meat for the wolves to find so they would not need to steal. He also stopped hunters from entering the woods.

          “Shakra found Pamenti, and after learning of his kind heart, she decided to visit this strange human. They quickly fell at ease with each other, spending hours at end speaking to each other, for in these days, there was only one language shared between all the species on the Earth. 

          “Then came a day when Shakra said the one thing that made Pamenti’s heart leap. She loved him and he felt the same churning emotion for her. Their discussions were now focused on how to find a way to be together. It took many years until Shakra had found the solution. 

          “She had spoken to many of the other animals, looking for ways to transform herself. When she went to visit Pamenti again, she was no longer a wolf, but a wolf who was also a woman.”

          “Wait,” Anya interrupted Nyetus. The wood surrounding them seemed to crowd them in eerie silence. The wolf man had come to her home and demanded her company in the forest. Anya had no choice but to numbly obey, her own curiosity about this man and his life getting the better of her. “That is all? Shakra just... became human?”

          Nyetus shook his head, his long hair falling into his eyes as he smiled. “No, she was not a human, she was an Akoi.”

          “But how?” Anya pressed, leaning forward on her knees as she examined Nyetus. It made no sense to her; how did a wolf just suddenly become a hybrid of two species?

          Amusement was clear in Nyetus' eyes. “In our legends it says she used the seed of the sun and mashed it into a drink with the help of a badger.”

          “A badger?”

          “Opposable thumbs,” Nyetus smirked, holding his hands up as he flexed his fingers. “As wolves, we do not have them.”

          Her head nodding as she understood, Anya pieced together what he had told her. “So, how was she able to convince the badger to even help her?”

          “We animals understand the circle of life, that for one species to live, one always has to die. The plant eaters even know this, for the plants they dine on die too. Therefore, the badger had no qualms in helping Shakra.”

          “I guess that would make sense.” Anya said slowly, tapping her fingers on her knees. Honestly, it was a lot for her to take in. “Are there more creatures like the Akoi?”

          Nyetus nodded. “Of course, that is how Shakra was able to transform herself in the first place. With her new knowledge, both her and Pamenti were able to transform. They became the Mother and Father of our race.”

          “May you tell me what other species there are then?”

          His shaggy head shook. “No, my chief has forbidden me from revealing anymore of our world to you. That kind of knowledge is too dangerous to let a human learn of.”

          “Then why do you not just teach me how to become one of you?” Anya stood up, ideas forming in her mind, though she did not voice them out loud. If I had those teeth and claws, nothing would frighten me anymore. She would no longer be defenseless.

          Nyetus was on his feet now. “Miss Thimes, I am truly sorry, but that is not a solution to your problem. In fact, changing you into a wolf would only make things much worse.”

          The woman just stared at him, letting his words sink in before speaking again. “Then what is going to be my solution?” The idea of having wolf features seemed a much better tool to fight Anya's past then anything else.

          “I may not disclose that information either.” Nyetus rubbed the back of his neck.

          Holding in an exasperated sigh, Anya instead said, “What information can you disclose then?” When the man did not reply, Anya nodded. “That is what I thought. I suppose our meeting today is over then.”

          Anya turned on her feet and trudged her way home. She knew it may no be wise to insult her allies, but she did not enjoy the secrets that were between them. “We will meet again some other time then, Miss Thimes.” She heard Nyetus say before she broke through the barrier of trees that separated Anya from her house.

          The sense of safety she had felt earlier with Nyetus vanished with the cold wind that swept over her. Shivering, she quickened her pace to the back door only to find something that sent shivers up her spine. There, on a lone tree by her home, was a gleaming dagger. It sent a clear message to her; Zna had not been the first of the attacks, nor would he be the last.

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