~ The Arrival ~

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Racing through the forest ran 4 vampires. The oldest one, Kidan, 21 looking a tall dirty blonde vampire with the power to block off any attack he gets. He was the fastest running between branches and smacking trees out of his way. He was a rough one but every time a tree bark went back his younger brother the third one, Neo would smack it out of his way. Neo, 20 looking,  had brown hair and was pale, he had the power of telekinesis abilities. Behind him was their sister, Rakida. Rakida had red hair and the face of 17 year old girl. Rakida had the power to slow down time and move between the motion to control it the way she wants. Rakida jumped over any branch she saw coming her way. She quickly turned her head around to see some of the Volturi followers chasing after them. "THEY'RE GETTING CLOSER!" Rakida shotued to her brothers. Kidan turned around and then ran faster. The last youngest brother was Dimitri, with black hair. He was jumping from tree to tree before he hit the floor running after his sister. Dimitri had the power to reverse time or any vampire he wanted to. All four silblings were being corned by the Volturi followers. "THEY'RE CLOSING IN!" Dimitri yelled. "WE'RE GETTING CLOSE KEEPING RUNNING!" Kidan orderd. Rakida was about to pass a tree but she was tackled and rolled down the hill by a follower. "UH! UH!" she grunted. "RAKIDA!" shouted Neo. Rakida stood up and faced at least 2 followers. She was breathing heavy, facing the followers. Both the followers started to come at her but Rakida jumped up and threw a flying hard kick knocking both the followers heads off their bodies. She hit the floor, and took off again with her brothers. They then all jumped together over a cliff side, over the a stream of water (sound familiar) into dangerous territory. 

They all turned around and faced the other side of the water. The Volturi followers stopped and hissed through their teeth and not daring to jump over. "Are we safe?" Dimitri asked. Growl.....a sudden growl came from the other side of the vampires. "Not yet." Rakida said before running off again, her brothers followed her. The wolves were close on their feet but the vampires were faster they managed to make it to a certain house and the wolves stopped. Kidan turned back around and faced the wolves. They growled a couple times and then went off into the dark forest. Rakida turned back to the house moving her hair out of her face. 

"Bella! Renesmee! Get down here!" Edward shouted from downstairs. Bella and Renesmee (now 17) raced down the stairs in quick speed and jumped on Edward. "Come on now, don't break anything." Emmett teased. "Where's Jacob?" Renesmee asked. "He'll be here soon." Alice said with a smile. Alice then sat on Jasper's lap kissing him. Carlisle and Esme walked in hand in hand with dinner. "Who's hungry?" Esme asked. "Oh I am." Jasper said with a smile. Bella smiled and joined her family. "Wait." Alice said. Everyone stopped. "There's someone outside." Alice said. Everyone ran over to the porch but Renesmee stayed in the doorway. "Show yourself!" Bella called out. There was a silence for about 7 seconds, "We come in peace." Rakida said. Rakida, Kidan, Dimitri and Neo stepped out of the forest and into the light. Bella twitched up her face and Edward stepped closer. "Who are you?" asked Carlisle. "My name is Kidan. These are my brothers and my sister." Kidan started, "We mean no harm. We're running." he finished. Edward tapped into Dimitri's mind. Dimitri looked up at Edward and stared. "They're telling the truth. Volturi is after them." Edward said. Bella looked striaght into Rakida's eyes, "Come inside?" she offered. Rakida smiled and pulled her brothers. 

"What are your names again?" Rosalie asked. "I'm Kidan. I can block off any attack my way so can you tell your brother to stop trying to read my mind." Kidan stared at Edward. Edward grinned a bit. "I can also redirect a attack to someone else of my choice." Rosalie sighed. "What can you do?" she asked Neo. "I have telekinesis abilites. I can move things with my mind or my hands." Neo said before holding up his hand. A vase then lifted itself in the air and smashed aganist the wall. "NEO!" Rakida yelled to her brother. "Sorry." Neo shrugged. "Reverse." Dimitri said. He looked straight at the vase and the vase came back togehter. "That's amazing!" Alice said. "My name is Dimitri, I'm the youngest of my silblings. I can reverse time, object or any person's action." he said. "Quite impressive." Jasper said with a smile. Renesmee sat down next to Rakida on the couch. "What can you do, Rakida?" Renesmee asked with a sweet smile. Rakida faced Renesmee and smiled. "I can make time slow down or I can make a person slow down." Rakida said with a smile. "That's a amazing ability." Renesmee said with a smile. Rakida smiled as well and then faced Bella who sat next to her. 

Jacob then walked in with Paul and Sam. Rakida scooted closer to Bella, she noticed the smell......................werewolf. Kidan sniffed the air and then fanned the smell away from him. "New vampires?" Jacob asked. "Your friends with werewolves?" Neo asked. "What's it to you?" Paul said facing Neo. "Don't push me." Neo warned. "Okay stop it." Rakida said standing up. Neo backed off and so did Paul. "Jacob!" Renesmee said with delight. Jacob smiled at her. "Jake, these are new vampires we found." Bella said. "We come from a very anicent coven. Which is why the Volturi is after us." Rakida said. "Why?" Esme asked. Sam leaned on the wall. "Our covan is anicent and dangerous. We have powers over the Volturi which is why they are trying to kill us." Kidan said. "Since me and my brothers can out wit the Volturi they want us dead." Rakida said standing up. "Our anicent was suppose to be erased a long time ago but our mother gave birth to us after a vampire from that convan changed us each time." Dimitri said. "Are you in danger now? Do you need help?" Sam offered facing Kidan. Kidan nodded his head at Sam. "You four can stay here, until we get help." Carlisle offered. "Thank you Carlisle." Neo said shaking his hand. "Rakida you can stay in my room with me." Renesmee offered. Rakida smiled wide until Bella said something. "No they can stay here in the living room for now." she said. 

Through out the night the four powers finally got some good sleep in. The next morning Rakida woke up first. Then her brothers. "Hey you guys come on get up." Rakida threw a pillow at Neo and then Kidan. "Okay. Okay. I'm up!" Kidan said raising his head. Rakida then nudged her youngest brother, Dimitri. "I love you sis but can't I sleep in." Neo complained before throwing the blanket back over his head. Rakida rolled her eyes and then got up. Renesmee came downstairs in her nightgown, scratching her head. "Renesmee hey!" Rakida said with a smile. "Hey Rakida, do you want to go for a run?" she asked. Rakida smiled sweetly. They both got dressed in sweats and headed out for a run. 

They both took off into the forest running at full vampire speed. Turning trees, running into branches, and knocking over trees. When they finally made it to a cliff slide they peared over the forest. "it's so beautiful out here." Renesmee said. Rakida sighed, "I can't remember the last time I saw a view this amazing." she said. Renesmee smiled at the sky. Just then a crazy vampire came out of no wehre wearing a robe of the Volturi and jumped on Rakida. "RAKIDA!" Renesmee shouted. The vampire tried to snap Rakida's neck but was having a hard time, Rakida grabbed the man by the eyes and pushed in. "AHHH!" the man shouted in pain. Renesmee grabbed the man by his neck and slammed him down on the ground. Rakida quickly stood up, lifted her heel boot and slammed it down on the vampire's neck. He tried pushing it off but no effect, Renesmee then kicked the head and off it came. Rakida and Renesmee both grabbed each other's hands and backed away from the vampire. "We have to get out of here." Renesmee said pulling Rakida back. They both vampire ran back to the Cullen's house leaving the headless vampire to rot. 

When they made it back to the house, everyone was standing there waiting on them. "And just where were you?" Kidan asked, staring directly at his sister. "We went for a run." Rakida answered. "That's not what I saw." Alice reassured. Renesmee stiffened. "Renesmee what happened?" Bella asked with a harsh tone in her voice. "We got attacked. A Volturi guy attack Rakida, I had to help." she answered her mother. "Rakida?" Dimitri questioned his sister. "I thought we lost him, I didn't know he'd get here. And past the werewolves." she answered. Howling then came over the horizons. "why are they hollowing?" she questioned. "They see something." Jacob said coming into view, he started to come down the steps. "Can I come with you?" Renesmee asked. "I think it'd be better if you stayed here." Jacob said then ran off into the woods. Rakida nudged Renesmee on the arm giving her a Do you like him? look. "Come on both of you, in the house." Edward said grabbing for the girls' hands and pulling them in the house. 

Kidan was in the library looking through a book. "What are you doing?" Jasper asked with Emmett next to him. "I was looking for information on the Volturi." Kidan said putting the book back in the bookcase. "We can help you with that." Jasper said. Kidan looked up at the two boys. Neo was showing Rosalie and Alice his powers. And Dimitri was staring out the window in the distance. "Dimitri." Carlisle said placing a hand on Dimitri's shoulder. "Son come. let us eat." Carisle said, pulling him with him. Dimitri listened and followed him. 

"How close are you and Jacob?" Rakida asked. "We've been close for awhile and as well as everyone sees us as brother and sister. I......I want....more." Renesmee said with a sigh. "Have you told him?" Rakida asked. Renesmee sighed, "No. And I don't think.....he'll feel the same." "You don't know until you say something." Rakida said rubbing Renesmee's knee. 

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