~ Taking on the Volturi ~

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Rakida and Renesmee were fast asleep in bed and half listening to the moonlight. Renesmee woke up to the sound of her window opening. She quickly (Vampire speed) ran to the window to close it but someone grabbed her wrist first. "Nessie." Jacob said. "Jacob." she said backing up letting him in the room. "What are you doing here?" Renesmee asked. "I know I shouldn't be here right now. But I have to talk to you." he said. "What is it?" she asked. "Today in the meadow. " he continued. "Jake, please just don't if you don't feel the same way then just get out." she said. "I don't wanna go." he said. Renesmee was speechless. He likes me? "So I guess that means I can." Jacob said before leaning into Renesmee. She let him and they hit a kiss. The moonlight shined over the both of them and the wind picked up. Rakida rolled over to close the window but she noticed them kissing and turned back the other way with a smile on her face. Renesmee kept kissing Jacob for a little bit until she had to pull back. "You kissed me?" she asked. "I like you, Nessie. I just couldn't do anything about it becaue of Bella and Edward." "I don't care. I love my parents and if they care about me then they'll let me be happy." she said. Jacob leaned in and kissed her again. "I gotta go, gotta howl." he said with a chuckle. Renesmee smiled and let him go. When Renesmee shut her window, Rakida quickly got out of the bed and ran over to her. "Oh my god." she squealed. Both girls hugged and flopped down on the bed. They spent the rest of the night, talking about Seth and Jacob.

The next day, everyone was gathered in the living room together. Alice and Jasper were hand in hand. Bella and Edward were against the wall and Carlisle walked in with Esme. "So what's this about?" Emmett asked. "Last night I heard Nessie and Kida talking about Seth and Jacob. How they have feelings for them both." Bella said. "What?" Esme said. "and I had a vision yesterday morning of Jacob coming through Nessie's window. They kissed." Alice said. Edward's insides were heating up. "I also heard Nessie say if her parents and family care about her then they'll accept it." Alice finished. Kidan sighed, Neo ran his hand through his hair and Dimitri spoke up, "What's so wrong if they do?" He asked. "Dimitri, werewolves and vampires are natural enemies." Kidan said. "And yet we can get along with them." Dimitri stood up. "And if Seth is what makes our sister happy then as her brothers we should support her and not bring her down!" he yelled before walking out of the room. Neo and Kidan followed him.

"Carlisle what can happen if they get involved........sexually." Jasper asked. "Sexually!" Edward yelled. "Renesmee is still part human so there is a possibility she could get pregnant." Carlisle said, "As for Rakida, there's something special about her so we have to wait and see what happens." "Tell that to Kidan." Edward joked. "Do the packs know?"

Renesmee and Rakida were running through the forest together side by side. They ran all the way to the cliff side to go cliff diving. "Jacob showed me this." Renesmee said. Rakida looked over the cliff. "That's a long way down." Rakida said with a smile. "Come on." Renesmee said, Rakida smiled. They dressed down in their underwear and bras. They gripped hands and jumped. The wind smacked them in the face and landed straight into the icy water. When they came back up, Rakida took a breath so hard felt like the wind knocked it out of her. "Oh my god." she sighed. Renesmee smiled but looked out into the ocean. There were three icy looking vampires further out. "Kida we gotta go." she urged. "What?" Rakida turned back to the sea and saw the vampires. "Come on, let's go." Renesmee said. Rakida started swimming back towards the shorey rocks, but two of the vampires came out of the water and slammed her against the wall. "AGH!" she grunted. "Kida!" Renesmee shouted she made a break for her friend but the last one got her around the throat. "Uh!" she gasped for air.

Renesmee blocked everything out and focused everything on what Jacob said. Fight it! Renesmee then gripped the Volturi member by the neck and squeezed in. He started hitting for her but she switched them around so he was against the wall. She squeezed until he slowed down with his hitting. She then smacked his head straight off his head. Renesmee took a breath and then swam over to Rakida who was struggling to get one of them off her neck. Renesmee grabbed one by the shirt collar, yanking him away. Rakida pushed the other away from her body. Just then as a stroke of luck......................Seth and Jacob (wolf form) came out of nowhere and pounced on the vampires. Jacob sunk his teeth into the vampire on Renesmee. As Seth jumped on the other on Rakida wrapping his mouth around the vampire's head. Seth yanked it off with one tug and Jacob yanked the other in two.

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