~ Enhancement ~

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Now in the forest, the wolf pack was still panicking over the pregnancy of Rakida and Renesmee. "What am I going to do?! My brother got a vampire pregnant!" Leah screamed. "Leah come down! This is Seth's decision!" Paul shouted. Sam sighed and stood up. "We have to protect the city. I don't care if they can control their thirst. It's a disgrace to have a half wolf and a half vampire hybrid." Sam said. Paul agreed. All of a sudden there was a sudden growl from the forest. They all stood up and watched as.......Jacob, in wolf form. Jacob came out of the woods growling, everyone stood up. Behind Jacob came Renesmee. Paul and Sam stiffened. "He said she was pregnant!" Leah shouted. Renesmee then turned her head and out from behind her came Hazel and Ceo. Hazel and Ceo were now 8 years old. Hazel's hair was almost matching her skin color but dark highlights, she was wearing a white shirt, black pants and gray boots. Ceo was now 8 yeras old, his hair was dark black, almost blue. He was wearing a blue t-shirt, grey pants, and black and white sneakers.

"Their kids." Leah said finally getting the hint. Jacob stood around his family in a protective hold. Hazel pulled out a hand wrapped gift. She looked back at her father who nodded his wolf head. Renesmee wrapped her arms around Ceo's neck. Hazel walked with her father up to the pack. Jacob growled at the pack letting them know he would attack to protect his child. Hazel handed the gift to Embry, who took them and opened them. It was cookies. Embry smiled at the sweet little girl. Hazel smiled back her hazel and red eyes sparkled when she smiled. Jacob nudged her back. Hazel hopped on her dad's back and he walked back over to Renesmee and Ceo. Renesmee put Ceo on Jacob's back. Jacob then ran off, Renesmee turned back to the wolves and shy grinned. Renesmee ran off vampire speed.

Back at home, Rakida was getting ready to use her enhancement abilities on her brothers. Rakida stood up and looked at Kidan. He sighed and nodded his head to her. Rakida stood up and placed her hands on his chest. Her mark glowed and her eyes went purple. Kidan glowed white. It shined so bright, everyone covered their eyes. Another anicent mark appeared on Kidan's right arm. It looked similar to Rakida's but not completely. When the glowing went down, Kidan opened his eyes. "Brother how do you feel?" Neo asked with his arm around Tanya. "I don't know I mean try something." Kidan asked. "Let me try." Kate said standing up. Kidan turned to her. Kate used her gift, she grabbed Kidan's hand trying to hurt him. Kidan couldn't feel anything,  he blocked it but all of a sudden he focused his energy and gripped her hand tighter. "Ahh!" Kate screamed and hit the floor. Garrett rushed to her side. "I'm sorry Kate." Kidan apologized. 

"You can send a attack back to its owner." Neo said. "That'll help against Jane." Edward said. Bella turned to Edward. "What else can you do?" Dimitri asked, while he was in the arms of Xavier. Kidan still felt a little tingle of Kate's power in his hand. He closed his fist and then opened it quickly. Everyone in the room hit the floor due to Kate's power. "Aghh!" Dimitri collasped in Xavier's arms along with everyone else. Kidan stopped. "You could take out the entire Volturi doing that!" Alice said. Kidan's new powers were already helping out. "I didn't hurt everyone," Kidan pointed to the kids, "I blocked them from that attack." Hazel, Titan, and Ceo nodded saying they weren't harmed.

Rakida relaxed for a couple minutes and then turned to her second brother, Neo. Neo smiled gently at her and squeezed Tanya's hand before she let go. Rakida and Neo locked hands together. Rakida once again focused her energy and released Neo's enhancement. Neo grew the same mark on his arm that Kidan had. When the glowing died down, Rakida fell back onto the seat. "Mom!" Titan raced to his mom and placed a wet cloth on her head. "Rakida you have to rest." Renesmee said. "But I have to enhance Dimitri." Rakida begged. "No, you rest first you can do mine later." Dimitri ordered. Rakida sighed and laid back. "Baby what can you do?" Tanya asked.

Neo focused his energy on the kids. Using his mind and his telekinesis powers he lifted them up in the air like they were flying. "Whoa! Whoa!" Ceo cooed happily. Hazel flipped around in a circle and Titan moved like he was swimming. "Neooo." Rakida warned. "I'm not gonna drop them." Neo said then he carefully put them down. "What else can you do?" Xavier asked. Neo looked down at his hand and then lifted it up at Xavier. Xavier's body suddenly couldn't control his body........Neo was. Neo made him get down on his knee and raised his hands at Dimitri. "Marry me?" Xavier joked. Dimitri playfully kicked him down with his foot and everyone cracked up laughing. "Hey some part of everyone's body is glowing." Neo said. "What do you mean?" Tanya asked. "There's something glowing on everyone, Xavier your neck is glowing." Neo said pointing. Xavier touched his neck and then looked up. "That's my weak spot." Neo's eyes were glowing white. "You can see someone's weak spot!" Titan jumped up and down. Neo looked around and pointed to Tanya's shoulder. "There's a weak spot on your shoulder." He turned to Emmett. "You have one in your hand." He then turned to Jasper and looked down. "I'm not saying where his is." Neo said. Everyone cracked up again and Jasper evil grinned. Alice kissed Jasper.

A little while later Titan was outside looking at the sun set. Hazel walked out of the house wearing a dark shirt and gray skirt with cute black shoes. She walked over to Titan and sat next to him. "Why are you out here alone?" she asked. "Just thinking." Titan answered. "What about?!" Hazel asked. "my father, my wolf powers, life." he said. Hazel looked at him and then the sky. "Your mom's pretty incredible. And your dad is really strong." Hazel said with a smile. Titan looked up at her. "I mean your mom can enhance anyone's abilities. That's amazing, just imagine what she can do for you when you get older." Titan chuckled. Titan then stood up and looked down at Hazel. "I really like your eyes. They're pretty as hazel brown and red." He said smiling. Hazel stood up as well and peered into his purple and red eyes. "Red and purple are a pretty good color together." Hazel said with a smile.

Titan grinned a bit but then started to cough. Hazel grabbed his arm. "Titan?" She said. Titan's eyes went straight to dark purple. He was transforming. "Get back!"he warned. Hazel backed away and then shouted out, "RAKIDA! SETH!" Everyone rushed outside. Rakida and Seth turned to their red and black wolf son. Titan was now in wolf form, he was a black wolf but with glowing red stripes on his fur. He was panting. Rakida walked over to her son and petted his fur. Titan licked his mother's hand. Seth then transformed into a wolf male wolf, his fur was still the same but he was bigger than Titan. Titan cuddled up to his father who was proud of his son.

Later on Rakida was ready to enhance Dimitri. "You ready?" she asked. "Yeah." Dimitri said. She gripped his head and pressed in. He glowed the white color again, the mark appeared on his arm and his eyes glowed blue. Everyone covered their eyes until the light died down. "oh my god, Dimitri your power is limited!" Rakida shouted. "Limited?" Dimitri asked. "You can now reverse any immortal deaeth, meaning bringing them back to life. But if you do.....you'll turn time back as well." Rakida said. Dimitri sighed although he could now reverse back any death he wanted and he could reverse a action he had one new power that would make him a prime target.........................he was now the only vampire that could................change his appearance. 

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