~ Everything Grows ~

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"YOU ATTACKED RAKIDA!!!" Seth shouted at the pack. "Seth it was for your own good. You don't need that girl!" Leah shouted back at him. Seth then screamed, "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!" he shouted. "Seth. She's a vampire." Sam said. "I don't care!" Seth yelled back. The pack stepped back. "I don't care if she is a werewolf, vampire, witch, anything! I love her!" Seth shouted. "But the law--" Paul tried. "Screw the law!" Seth shouted before kicking a chair. Seth then ran out the back door. "Seth!" Leah called for her brother. Seth ran to the woods, he stopped at a motorcycle and straight up kicked it against the tree. The motorcycle broke in two. Seth paused and then looked at his foot. How did he get that power? Where did it come from? Seth then went wolf form and took off into the forest.

"Okay someone wanna explain why Seth took off in a mad dash?" Jacob asked. "We went after Rakida last night." Paul said. "You...you what? Rakida?! She's a legendary anicent vampire! It'll take a lot to take her down." Jacob shouted. "She was a quickie." Sam said. "Why did you attack her?!" Jacob yelled. "She's corrupting my brother!!" Leah screamed. "Corrupting? Seth has been more happy then he ever has in his life! Why can't you see that! Oh or are you just mad that she's a vampire!" Jacob asked. The pack stayed quiet. "God can you ever just see that Seth is happy and just let him live! Stop thinking only about yourself!" he shouted and then ran out of the bouse after Seth.

Rakida was laying on the couch, wiping away her tears. Renesmee walked in and handed her some coffee. "Helps with the pain." she said before sitting down next to Rakida. Rakida sat up straight and sighed. "I don't know why he would send his pack after me." She said with a sigh. "Hey I know Seth, he wouldn't do that. But knowing his sister, Leah she would." Nessie said. "But why?" "She doesn't really like vampires, at all." Renesmee said. Rakida sighed until the front door opened, she whipped her head around.  "Seth!" she said in shock when she saw him. "Rakida! I'm so sorry about the pack attacking you but I had nothing to do with it." Seth explained. "Tell me why? Why did they attack me?" Rakida asked. "My pack wasn't okay with us being together. But I dont understand why they went after you." Seth said.

Rakida looked at him like she understood him. She walked up to him lifted his chin to face her and kissed him passionately. Seth wrapped his arms around her waist and she pressed her hands on his chest. Renesmee smiled. "I believe you." she said with a smile. Seth sighed relief. Rakida giggled and then everyone else walked into the room. "hey where's Jacob? He said he'd be here!" Renesmee complained before checking her phone. 

In the forest, Jacob was walking over to the Cullen's house when he felt someone come up behind him. "What the?" he turned around. "Bella?" "Hi Jacob." Bella said. "What are you doing out here, I was just heading to your house." he asked. "I want you to stop seeing my daughter." Bella said. "What?" Jacob said with a turned up face. "I know your seeing Renesmee just to get to me." Bella said. Jacob scoffed. "Look just stop leading Renesmee on, I know your not over me but--" Bella started. "Bella! I don't! I love her! I love your daughter! Not you!" he shouted. "No your not! Your in love with me and you know it!" Bella shouted back. "No I'm not! You would never chose me over Edward! So I moved on, I waited for you for years and you still chose him! What do you want me to do?! Mourn?" Jacob threw his arms in the air. Bella stayed quiet. "I'm in love with your daughter and your just gonna have to deal with it." Jacob said. Bella started hurting inside. Am I jealous? Why would I be jealous? Jacob started walking away until Bella grabbed him. "Jacob please! I know you still love me!" Bella shouted. Jacob ripped his arm away and stood still. "Bella leave it alone. You have Edward." he said one last time before running off. 

"Wait? My mother did what!?" Renesmee shouted. "Your mother told me to stay away from you because she thought I was still in love with her." Jacob said sitting on her bed. Renesmee sighed and then sat down next to Jacob. "Did you really love my mother that way?" she asked. Jacob sighed, "Yeah I did. But she tossed me aside when Edward came back. So I gave up when you were born and I imprinted on you." Jacob said. Renesmee then stood up. "please don't tell me that you only love me because my mother turned you down?" Renesmee said standing up and not even facing Jacob. Jacob stood up from the bed and wrapped his arms around Renesmee. "No. I love you Renesmee Cullen. I fell in love with you when I looked into your eyes." Jacob said in her ear. Renesmee listened to his heartbeat. It was steady and calm, he was telling the truth. She turned around and faced him. "I believe you." she said before pulling Jacob into a kiss. 

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