~ The Ball ~

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"We've been invited to a ball." Carasile said with a smile. "When?" Bella asked. "Tonight." he said with a smile. Renesmee and Rakida smiled ready for a fun night.

In Renesmee's room, she and Rakida were getting dressed for the ball. Rakida was wearing a dark brown, sparkling, and low cut gown touching the floor. Luckily she had enough boob to look good in the gown. Her fiery red hair was curled and pulled to a over the shoulder ponytail. She looked beautiful. Renesmee then walked in from the closet wearing a sea green dress that was long in the back and short in the front. Renesmee's hair was curled up. "Hey what do you think of this?" she asked. "Who are you trying to impress?" Rakida asked with a smile. "Jacob of course. I wanna look good for him." she said with a smile.

"Girls! There's two people downstairs for you!" Esme called from downstairs. Rakida and Renesmee looked at the door and then back at each other. "Ready?" she asked Rakida. "Yeah." Rakida said with a smile. They walked out the door and downstairs to the living room. "Oh!" Alice giggled when she saw Renesmee and Rakida. Everyone turned around and saw the girls. Rakida leaned back on the stairs and Renesmee crossed her arms in front of her. "Renesmee." Bella said walking up to her daughter. "Mom." she said with a smile. Rakida smiled and then was approached by her brothers. "How are you feeling?" Neo asked. "I'm okay." Rakida said with a smile. "How's Seth?" Dimitri asked. Rakida couldn't help but smile. "Looks like Seth has our sister singing smiles." Neo joked. Rakida giggled and hugged her 3rd brother. Neo picked her up in a hug, Rakida gripped her brother and then pulled Dimitri in for a hug. "Ahh!" Dimitri chuckled. Kidan stood off to the side before all his siblings vampire sped over to him almost knocking him over in a hug. "Oh! Heh." Kidan chuckled and squeezed his brothers and sister.

Seth stood off to the side with a smile until Rakida pulled back from her brothers. He smiled and Rakida walked over to him. "You look beautiful." he said with a smile. Rakida giggled as Seth gripped her hands. "You look handsome in your suit." she said with a smile. Seth chuckled before leaning in and kissing Rakida passionately. "Sucks I can't come but we will have time after." Seth said before kissing Rakida's hands. She blushed. "Kida!" Renesmee called. Rakida turned around. "We gotta go." She said in Jacob's arms.

They all got into the cars and drove to the ball, in London. At the palace, everyone was dressed in ballroom wear. "Introducing the Cullen Family." said the announcer. All of the Cullens walked in together. "And now introducing the long lost anicent covan.....The Four Powers." the announcer said. Everyone turned around to face the beautiful siblings. Rakida and her brothers walked down the steps together as people surrounded them. "Edward who is the one with the brown hair?" Tanya asked. She was wearing a red gown with a U shaped. "That's Neo." Edward confirmed. Tanya smiled at her sister, Kate, who was dancing with Garrett. Tanya speed walked between people and placed herself in front of Neo. Neo's eyes went big when he saw Tanya. "Dance, kind sir?" she asked. "Isn't that my line." Neo said with a smile. Tanya grinned. "May I?" he held out his hand. Tanya took his hand and they walked off. Rakida and Dimitri smiled at Kidan and then walked off. 

Rakida moved through the crowd and found Renesmee. "Nessie!" she called. Renesmee turned around and hugged Rakida. She looked up, "Oh my god." She was looking at........The Volturi. "Introducing the Volturi." the announcer said. Aro smiled and walked in with Marcus, Ciaus, Alec, Jane, Felix and the other Demitri. Renesmee grabbed Rakida and pulled her away. "You gotta keep them away from them." she said in Rakida's ear. Neo turned his back and whispered in Tanya's ear about his past. Kidan was near the entrance but he turned away when Aro and Caius looked his way. Dimitri made his way to the back of the ball.

P.S. when it says Dimitri with a I its the silbling with the reverse power. When its Demitri with a E then its the Volturi one.

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