~ Come Together ~

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Dimitri was cleaning up some things in his room. He looked out the window like he heard something. He then turned back to the window but then this time he saw.........Alec. "Alec." he said. Alec was standing still and he looked angry. "What are you doing here?" Dimitri asked. "Who is Xavier?" Alec asked. "How did you know?" Dimitri asked. "Who is he!?" Alec shouted. "WIll you keep your voice down! There are people here who want to kill you." Dimitri said. "You know you have feelings toward me. Do you not remember the ball?" Alec asked. "Yes I do but do you! You didn't even send me a letter or say anything to me!" Dimitri fired at him. "Dimitri. I coulndn't the Volturi was on me 24/7. I couldn't find a way to get to you until now." Alec said. Dimitri seemed to understand because he looked down. Alec took this oppurnity to run up to him (vampire speed) and kissed him. Dimitri groaned in the kiss and pushed him back quickly. "Don't." Dimitri tried. "No, you need to be with me." Alec said. Dimitri couldn't fight it anymore he yanked Alec back into a kiss. 

They started taking off each other's clothes and Alec lifted Dimitri up on a counter. Dimitri grunted when Alec would kiss his neck. They were so hot and heavy Dimitri yanked back Alec's hair. "uh haha." Alec chuckled and then kissed Dimitri again. They kept kissing until Alec lifted Dimitri up and threw him back on the bed. Dimitri girnned as Alec got on top of him. They locked hands. They locked lips. They locked hearts. For once in both their lives they actually felt real human warmth in their hearts. Dimitri was laying on Alec's chest, the blanket was barely wrapped around them only their certain areas. "Can Xavier please you like that?" Alec asked. Dimitri chuckled. and then sat up striaght. "I can't choose between both of you." he said. "You can't have both of us, though." Alec said. Dimitri then stood up and put his pants back on. Alec put all his clothes back on and walked over to Dimitri and kissing him. Dimitri kissed back. "I think that answered your qustion." Alec said. Dimitri didn't answer instead he just kept staring at Alec with puppy dog eyes. Alec leaned in again, "Stop it."' Dimitri pushed him back. 

"Dimitri?" someone said. "Renesmee!" Dimitri realized Renesmee was standing in the door way. When Alec turned around, she backed away. "Alec you need to go." Dimitri said. Alec agreed and started to walk toward the window. "Dimitri..." Alec looked up at him. He mouthed see you soon. Dimitri was about to tell him to come back inside but Alec was gone. Renesmee then shut the door behind him. "Your sleeping with Alec! The Volturi!" Renesmee shouted. "Renesmee don't start." Dimitri warned. Renesmee calmed down and then sat down next to him. "I guess Alec means alot to you." Renesmee asked. "Yeah he does. But so does Xavier." Dimitri said before falling back on the bed. Renesmee sighed, "Look I don't know what to tell you but I can see a different person when Alec is around you." she said. Dimitri looked up at her. 

Rakida and Seth were down at the beach cuddling in the sunset as Titan was playing in the water. "Titan honey don't go too far." Rakida called out. Titan kicked some of the water. Seth and Rakida wrapped their arms around each other. Seth was rubbing up and down her arm. Rakida giggled and kissed his cheek. "Hey baby, look into my eyes." Seth said. Rakida stared into his eyes. Images of Rakida and Seth living their lives. Kissing. Loving. Hugging. Titan as a grown man. As a wolf. Seth and Titan in wolf form next to each other. Another baby being born, a girl. Rakida fighting and Seth growing stronger. Rakida closed her eyes and then stared up at Seth. "Did you?" "Yeah I imprinted on you. So now you won't be attacked by the pack." Seth said with a smile. Rakida smiled and kissed him passionately. 

Xavier was walking into the town at such a late time. He turned the corner but then someone jumped infront of him..................Jane, Demitri (Volturi), and Alec. "What the?" Xavier said. "Pain." Jane said. Xavier hit the floor in pain, clutching his stomach. Flashes of Xavier and Dimitri together went through his mind. Their first time in the woods. The time they spent on the beach at sunset, having sex. Goofing off with family. He knew right then and there he was gonna die. "Oh!" Xavier snapped out of it when Jane stopped. "Alec you wanna do the honors?" Demitri asked. Alec smiled and then walked up to Xavier gripping him by the throat. "Your gonna die buddy." Alec said. "Wait!" Xavier asked. Alec stopped. "Tell Dimitri I love him." Xavier said. Alec stopped. "Aww I have a fan." Demitri (Volturi) said. "He didn't mean you." Jane said. Alec couldn't do it. He let go of Xavier and walked over to the side. "Alec?" Jane said. Alec then looked ahead and started thinking. "oh forget this." Demitri walked up to Xavier and grabbed him by the throat. "NO!" Alec shouted. But it was too late, Xavier's head came right off his head. Alec's mouth dropped open.........in regret. 

"OH!" Neo groaned with Tanya ontop of him. "mmm." Tanya groaned and then collasped on top of Neo. Neo rubbed up and down Tanya's arm and kissed the top of her head. Tanya wrapped her arms around his stomach. They cuddled together for a few seconds until Neo got up out of the bed and looked out the window. Tanya came up behind Neo and ran her hand up his arm. Neo pulled her close and they started kissing. Just as the sun came up and shined over their naked bodies. 

Tanya put her clothes back on and stepped outside to go home. She smiled to herself. But just then someone grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth. "Your coming with us!" Jane said. Tanya's eyes went big as she was pulled off. 

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