~ The Battle ~

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In the snowy, the same battle scene as when Renesmee met the Volturi. The Cullens were all together side by side. But they were in a bit of a huddle like they were hiding something as they walked forward. The Volturi was already waiting for them. "They're here." Caius whispered. Aro grinned. Aro turned around to face Alec who kept his head down.

Howl! There then came more howls from he forest, Jacob and Seth came out of the woods and walked with them.They were in human form now. The Volturi stiffened and then faced the Cullens. They took off their hoods. "Aro." Carsilse said. "Carlisle,  I did not come here to talk, I came for a trade." Aro explained. The Cullens turned to Carlisle. "Farewell." he said. The Cullens moved aside to reveal.........The Quartic Covan. Kidan, grey and navy mixed leather jacket, black pants, and black boots, stood first. Neo, in a gray leather jacket, black pants and black boots, stood beside Kidan. Rakida, she was wearing dark red tight skinny jeans, a sexy grey Vneck blouse, a black leather jacket and leather black ankle boots. On the last left was Dimitri, in black jeans, white T-shirt,  black biker jacket and boots. They all stood side by side looking unscared and ready to battle. Renesmee was wearing a grey skirt with black tights tucked into black ankle booties, grey shirt and a dark green leather jacket. "Ah the Quartic Covan," Aro examined them, "I see your powers can overturn us." "Well the enhance abilities are no joke." Kidan said. Aro's smiled faded. "Your enhanced?" he asked. Kidan nodded proudly, Neo crossed his arms, Rakida put a hand on her hip, and Dimitri pushed back his hair. Dimitri was puzzled with thoughts. Where was Xavier?  Why isn't he here? Alec kept his eyes on Dimitri.

Rakida then heard something. "Wolves." she said. "There's wolves coming." Everyone turned to the forest where the rest of the wolf pack came out of the forest. "the pack?" Bella said. The wolves came out and Leah started barking. Rakida translated, "We're sorry we didn't believe you. We're here to help and fight." Rakida said. "She can translate wolf barks." Jane said with a smile. "She's  a perfect prize." Ciaus said to Aro. Rakida turned to the Volturi. Renesmee came up next to Rakida. Jane then saw something out of the corner of her eye. "What is that? There's something behind those two." she said. Rakida and Renesmee smiled and then held out their hands. Titan took his mother's hand. Hazel and Ceo took Renesmee's hands. The Volturi gasped. "WHAT THE!" "MORE CHILDREN!" some of the Volturi shouted. Some of the followers started to step forward but Kidan and Dimitri stepped infront of the children. Aro stopped the followers. "How!? Your both vampires!" Aro shouted. "I'm still part human. So I could give birth." Renesmee answered. "And I'm a special vampire. I was born to reproduce." Rakida said. "Who? Who are their fathers?" Aro demanded. Titan looked up at his mother. Rakida nodded and Titan started walking over to Seth. Kidan, Neo and Dimitri watched their young newphew closely. Titan walked over and Seth wrapped his arm around his young son. "A WOLF!" Jane shouted. Titan stood beside his father and Seth kept a protective arm around his son. 

Hazel and Ceo made their way over to Jacob. Jacob lifted up Hazel and pulled Ceo close to his body. Hazel's light brown hair blew behind her and Ceo kept his brown and red eyes on the Volturi. "How can vampires and werewolves breed!? We're natural enemies!" Ciaus said. "There are many ways of breeding besides natural enemies maybe vampire and werewolves could be soul mates." Marcus suggested. Aro couldn't find the words to speak. Renesmee squeezed Rakida's hand one final time before walking over to Jacob and standing beside him, on the arm in which Hazel was in. Renesmee pulled her son, Ceo to her stomach. 

"Quartic Covan, please." Aro held out his arms. Rakida turned to Kidan. Kidan nodded and they all started walking forward. "Rakida!" Seth shouted out. They stopped, Rakida walked over to Seth and he wrapped her in a hug. They leaned in and kissed each other. "How dare she!?" Ciaus shouted in protest. Rakida and Seth pulled apart from each other, Rakida kissed Titan on the head and walked with her brothers. Titan gripped Seth's hand tighter as his mother got further away. 

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