~ The Werewolf and The Vampire ~

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"So since we all need training." Carlisle said. "And when I say all, I mean Dimitri, Rakida and Renesmee." He finished. "What?" Bella shouted out. "Bella we are going to need all the help we can get so Renesmee is a must." Carlisle finally finished, crossing his arms at her. Bella sighed and faced Renesmee, "Honey are you sure you wanna fight?" she asked. "Yes I wanna help. I wanna help my friend." Renesmee said then gripped Rakida 's hand. Rakida smiled. "Thank you." "Renesmee your going to train with Jacob." Jasper said. Renesmee's insides warmed completely, she squeezed Rakida's hand. "Rakida you can train if you want too. The wolves would help." Emmett said. Rakida smiled. Does this mean I'll see Seth again!

Everyone was out training in the woods. "You gonna get me!" Bella teased Edward. Since Bella was still a bit stronger she could take Edward. She ran to him and flipped him over her shoulder, but then he flipped her down to the ground. The wolves then came from the woods (human form). Jacob was usual no shirt. Seth was next to him. "Nes, which one is Seth?" Rakida asked in Renesmee's ear. "That one." Renesmee pointed to telhe adorable Seth. Sam and Paul were standing in front of the other wolves observing the fighting. "Jacob! You and Renesmee practice!" Carlisle called. Jacob got up ready to train but Bella quickly stopped him. "Go easy on my daughter." Bella warned. "Bella she's not gonna learn if I go easy on her." Jacob said playfully.

Renesmee stood across from Jacob. "I'm not gonna go easy on you." Jacob said. Renesmee cracked her neck. She then crossed her arms pushing up her boobs. "We'll see. If you can handle me." Renesmee teased. Everyone either cracked up or giggled. "Go!" Edward shouted.Jacob and Renesmee ran for each other. Renesmee jumped up in the air and swung a kick at Jacob. He grabbed her by the ankle, Renesmee smiled. She used her other leg, swung around, and smacked Jacob right in the face. "Uh!" Jacob grunted in pain jumping back, holding his face. Renesmee smiled and turned around to face him, Jacob was already running for her again. She backed up away from him, Jacob tripped her. Renesmee fell straight to the ground but quickly got up again and ran at Jacob. He backed up until he got Renesmee by the wrists. Renesmee was breathing heavy, her heart was pumping, could Jacob feel that? "Got ya." He said playfully. Everyone started clapping until Renesmee punched Jacob in the stomach. "Agh!" Jacob grunted. Renesmee then tripped Jacob again knocking him to the ground. Renesmee landed on top of Jacob, straddling him. She had her hands around his neck, "Your dead." she said with a smile. Everyone clapped again. "Renesmee!" Bella shouted for her daughter.

Renesmee got up off of Jacob and smiled walking away. Seth and Paul helped Jacob up and messed with his hair. "I can't believe you landed on top of him." Rakida said. Renesmee smiled and flipped her hair. Rakida started laughing. "Anyone else, want to train?" everyone else began training again. Rakida walked up to Seth, "Wanna train?" she asked. "I'd like to know your name first?" Seth replied. "My name is Rakida." she replied. Seth smiled and bowed for the girl. Rakida smiled and then backed up. Seth made run for her, she jumped up but Seth got her by the ankle yanking her down to the ground. When Seth tried to get on top of her, Rakida kicked him off her. She stood up and shouted, "SLOW!" Everything slowed down. 

Rakida opened her eyes to Seth moving slowly towards her, she could still move at quick speed. Rakida ran over to him and pushed him to the ground. Then took off. 

Everything then snapped back into regular motion. Seth found himself on the floor. "What the?" he said standing up. "My sister has that effect!" Dimitri shouted. Seth looked up, "She can slow down time?" Seth asked. Dimitri nodded. Seth then stood up looking around the area. Rakida then jumped from the tree above him and onto his back, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Your dead." Seth smiled and then quickly pushed himsefl and Rakida aganist a tree. Renesmee noticed and so did everyone else. The wolves weren't as happy. "Guess your dead." Seth said with a smile. Rakida smiled as well but then she realized that she had Seth between her legs........AGANIST A TREE! "Rakida!" Kidan called out for his sister. Rakida then got down off of Seth who let her go. "SETH!" Sam called to his member. Seth then returned to his pack, Leah shoved his shoulder and then looked over to Rakida. Rakida turned away from the pack as her brothers walked up to her. 

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