~ The Past and Present ~

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Renesmee and Rakida were in her room, on e's bed chatting up a storm. "Oh come on do you honestly believe I can't top that." Rakida said. "I know you can't." Renesmee said with a smile. "Fine, watch me." Rakida said, she slid off her silk robe and pulled on a sexy and lace corset and wiggled her booty. "Ah! Hahah." Renesmee giggled. Rakida shimmed her hips to the ground and back up. It has been awhile since Rakida had a female best friend. "Your turn." Rakida said with a evil grin. Renesmee slapped her bed and stood up she slid off her nightgown revealing a sexy white slip that barely hid her butt cheeks. She wiggled her booty. Rakida started giggled and smilied. "Shake it girl!" Rakida joked. Renesmee smiled and started playing with her slip like she was gonna strip. But just then the door opened, "Hey nessie--." Jacob started but he was silent when he saw Renesmee in lingerie. "JACOB!" she shouted. "Uh, I, um." Jacob started but he kept staring at her. Rakida covered her mouth a little bit. "Jake can you please get out." Renesmee urged. Jacob started backing up with his hand in the air but he couldn't take his eyes off Renesmee. She didn't breathe until he shut the door. "Oh...my god." Rakida started, "I think I saw him blush." "Kida! That's not funny! I can't believe he saw me like this!" "Oh come on Nessie, he was so blushing." Rakida said. Renesmee started blushing, "Did he?" Rakida started nodding and then cracked up laughing. And so did Renesmee. 

"I love you, Edward." Bella said stroking Edward's cheeks. "I love you Bella Cullen." Edward said back. They struck a kiss together and started to get hot and heavy. "I'm sorry am I interuppting something?" Kidan asked. "Uh no um, what's wrong?" Edward said. "Um Carisile wants everyone in the dining room." Kidan said. Edward noddead and he and Bella made their way to the dining room. Rakida, was dressed in a white tshirt, black skinny jeans, and brown heel boots (from Renesmee) and Renesmee was wearing a black and white striped Vneck, black skinny jeans, a jean jacket and flats. They both walked in and sat down on the couch next to each other. "Okay, I've done some research on you 4. Your coven is the Quartic Coven. A anicent coven who was wiped away because of their abiliies as vampires. Which is why the Volturi is after you 4." Carisile said. "What do we do?" Kidan asked. "The Volturi won't come near you directly becaue of your ability but they will send people." he continued. "So we fight." Emmett said. "Yes we will fight until they come to us. All of us will need training, including Renesmee." "What? No! I don't want her fighting!" Bella shouted. "Mom! I'm not a kid!" Renesmee shouted back. "Girls." Edward said. "Renesmee your my daughter. And I can't risk you being killed!" Bella shouted. "God! Can you ever not treat me like a kid!" Renesmee shouted then marched back to her room. Rakida followed her. 

"Bella light up." Alice tried. "No! If I loose my daugher I!" Bella tried. "Bella! Your gonna loose her if you don't let her out of the kid zone." Rosalie urged. Bella sighed and sat down on the bed. "She seems to be having a lot of fun with Rakida." Alice tried. "What?" Bella said. "Rakida is probably her first female best friend she's  probably enjoying her time with Rakida. Let her be a teenager." Rosalie tried again and then left. Bella sighed. 

Dimitri was back in the library going through old books. Kidan and Neo then walked in, "What are you doing?" they asked. "Looking up information on our coven." Dimitri said. "What did you find?" Neo asked going over to his younger brother. "Apparently our coven dates back to the 1500s and also one of the most powerful." Dimitri sighed. Neo turned another page to a anicent picture of Rakida. "What the hell?" Neo said. This time Kidan walked over and looked down. "What the hell is a picture of our sister doing in here?" Kidan asked. "If I knew I would tell you." Dimitri said before turning one more page, reading into the book. 

The wolves were running around the forest going after each other in a practice. When they all changed back to normal they all gathered together in a circle. "Okay now about the new vampires?" Sam started. "What about them?" Paul asked. "Are they a problem?" Leah asked. "The girl and the youngest brother no, but the older two brothers a bit testy." Sam finished. "There's a sister?" Seth asked. "Yeah Rakida, red hair insanely pretty." Jacob said. Seth raised his eyebrow. "So Jacob hows Nessie?" Seth teased. Jacob blushed instantly. Seth started to chuckle. "You know what?" Jacob then got Seth in a arm lock and pretty soon all the wolves minus Leah were engaged in a playful rough house.

"Carlisle what does this mean! Why is our sister in this book!" Dimitri asked as Carlisle was walking in front of them. "What has me in it?" Rakida asked coming up in view. "This." Kidan grabbed the book from Carlisle and showed Rakida the picture in the book. Rakida's eyes went big and took the book. "Why does she look like me?" Rakida complained. "We don't know but we are going to find out." Neo said. Rakida sighed.

Alice and Jasper were hot and heavy, "Oh we haven't done this in so long." Alice moaned pushed off Jasper's shirt. Jasper kissed Alice back heavenly until Alice pushed him down and got ontop of him vampire speed. They pulled off each others clothes and got busy. "Ooh!" Alice moaned. Jasper kissed all over Alice's breasts. Alice then had a vision. "Oh no someone's gonna walk in on us." Alice groaned. Jasper grunted in frustration. Bella then walked in. "Bellaaa" Alice quickly got up in her underwear and faced Bella. "Bella some privacy please." Alice said with a slight smile. "Sorry didn't mean to interrupt but have you seen Edward?" Bella asked. "He's out training."  Alice confirmed. "Now may I continue my romance?" Alice asked before slowly shutting the door. Bella sighed and walked over to Carlisle, "When do we start training?" Bella asked. Carlisle smiled.

Rakida and Renesmee were relaxing on the cliff again, looking out to the moonlight. "Its so pretty." Rakida said smiling. Renesmee stared out into the moonlight before standing up, she locked her eyes on the moonlight. Rakida smiled and stood up. All of a sudden, they heard a strong growl. Both whipped their heads around to three of the wolves coming into view. Rakida was close to falling off the edge until Renesmee pulled her back up. "Who are they?" Rakida asked. Renesmee studied hard at the wolves then smiled. "It's okay I know them. That's Jacob, Embry and the last one on the right is Seth." Renesmee said pointing out the wolves. Seth (in wolf form) walked over to Rakida, she faced him staring into his wolf eyes. They felt something. Seth started to whimper cuddling up to Rakida. Rakida scratched the back of his ear. Jacob and Embry didn't seem bothered by it, Jacob made his way over to Renesmee bumping her knee. Renesmee smiled and pet his ear.

"Rakida hop on. We gotta get back." Renesmee said. "Hop on? The wolves?" Rakida looked at Renesmee with a crazy look. "Just hop on Seth and hang on." Renesmee said hopped on the back of Jacob. Seth wiggled his tail swiping Rakida on the leg. Rakida couldn't resist, she sat on the back of Seth and held onto him. Embry took off, Renesmee held onto Jacob and followed and then Seth took off.  The girls hung on to the wolves as they ran back to the Cullens house.

Rakida and Renesmee felt free on the wolves that finally when they stopped at the house. They hopped off the wolves and faced the house. "That was amazing." Rakida said fixing her fiery red hair flying back in the wind. "Told you, you would like it." Renesmee said with a smile. As the wind picked up and the moonlight shined on the girls, they looked like goddesses. Seth brushed his wet nose on his paw, Jacob started panting with his tongue out before Embry bumped him with his wolf body. The wolves nodded at the girls and took off. Renesmee and Rakida went back in the house for the night.

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