~ The Beauty of Offspring ~

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"Uh! Uh!" Xavier panted, sweating and having his hands on his knees. "Come on you have to train harder, if you wanna learn not to hunt humans." Dimitri said. "But animal blood tastes so weird, blehh." Xavier complained. Dimitri chuckled and then walked over to a tree bark. Dimitri threw one kick and the tree came down. "Jesus!" Xavier backed away from the tree. "See with one kick you can do that." Dimitri said with a smile. Xavier picked the tree up quickly and put it back on the stump. Dimitri coked his head. "Can you do that?" Xavier said with a chuckle. Dimitri chuckled until Xavier suddently tackled him down the hill. Both grunted before stopping at the end of the hill. Xavier as on top of Dimitri. "What was that for?" Dimitri asked. "Show you how strong a newborn is." Xavier said. Dimitri grinned and then pushed (vampire speed) aganist a tree again. "Ever heard of anicent vampire speed?" he asked. "No." Xavier said before lifting Dimitri up and pushing him up against a tree at vampire speed. "Uh!" Dimitri grunted. "What was that again?" Xavier said with a chuckle. Dimitri pushed him off and down to the floor. "Oh yeah something about a anicent vampire." Dimitri said. Xavier cracked up with Dimitri ontop of him.

It was a month now and Rakida and Renesmee were full belly now. Seth was rubbing Rakida's belly, she gripped his hand with a smile. Jacob then came in carrying Renesmee in his arms, setting her down on the other couch. Bella and Edward then walked in and Bella smiled at Jacob kissing Renesmee's belly. Seth and Rakida shared a kiss so did Renesmee and Jacob. But then in walked Dimitri and Xavier. "Hello everyone." Xavier said with a smile. "Xavier!" Esme said with a smile before running up to him and hugging him. He hugged her back.

Alice and Jasper then walked in. "Rakida how come you don't wanna use your enhance abilities?" Jasper asked. "I don't know what these powers can do. I don't wanna risk hurting our baby." Rakida smiled at Seth. He grinned back. "At least you two dont look as sick as Bella did." Emmett teased. Everyone laughed and Bella rolled her eyes. "Yes but both of you are still on same treatment." Carlisle said handing both girls a cup of blood. Rakida drank it down slowly while Renesmee chugged it down. "Thirsty?" Jacob teased. "No but I feel like I'm drinking for two." she said. Xavier smiled but then he was caught off guard by someone outside. "Hey who is this?" he asked. Everyone turned around. "Volturi follower." Dimitri answered. The Volturi follower looked at Renesmee and Rakida then ran off. "What did he see?" Seth panicked. "Rakida and Renesmee." Dimitri said.

Seth and Jacob walked back to the pack sight. "Hey what do you think it's gonna be like to be a father?" Seth asked Jacob. 'I don tknow but it's gonna be a challenge." Jacob answered. "Father!?" someone shouted. Jacob and Seth whipped their heads around to the wolf pack. "What do you mean father?" Leah asked. "I mean father father." Seth said. Jacob turned to him. "Rakida's pregnant. And it's my baby." Seth said. Sam and Paul faces turned angry and Leah walked up and slapped Seth acrosst he face. "How could you!?" Leah yelled. Seth had the meaniest look on his face it made everyone take a step back. "You....You know what happened the last time a vampire gave birth. We have to kill this baby." Leah said turning to the door. "UHHHH!" Seth roared, he grabbed Leah by the throat and shoved her aganist the wall. "YOU DONT TOUCH MY CHILD YOU GOT THAT! THAT GOES FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU GUYS!" Seth shouted while gripping Leah's throat. When he released Leah hit the floor coughing. "You leave my kid and my woman alone!" Seth said before storming out. Jacob took a breathe and then followed behind Seth. "Is Renesmee pregnant too?" Paul shouted after Jacob. Jacob turned back around, "Yes she is. And if you so as ever try and go after her again, I'll do worse then what Seth just did." Jacob responded. Jacob's voice was dark but calm, he was completely serious. Leah stood up from the ground and looked at the rest of the pack with concern. 

A while later Dimitri was sitting on the back porch wrapped up in a blanket. Xavier came out with him and sat next to him. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah just thinking." Dimitri answered. "Something bothering you?" "Not something. Someone." Dimitri answered. Xavier sighed. "I hooked up with someone. And now they won't contact me at all. I feel played." Dimitri said with a sigh. Xavier touched hands with Dimitri, "If I were that guy I would of never let you go." He said. Dimitri couldn't help but smile back at Xavier. Xavier smiled back at him, there was a brief pause. Xavier kind of leaned in a bit towards Dimitri, Dimitri looked him dead in the eye but then leaned in as well. They struck a kiss. They sighed in the kissing and moaned a bit. Xavier then got on top of Dimitri still kissing him.

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