Kissing Caleb did nothing to stop me from hurting. There's a certain way you start to feel when you let someone that means a lot to you down. I only felt guilt wash over me whenever I thought about the kiss. Because it was Caleb and not Seth, I thought but I quickly brushed it off. My stupid head.
To be honest, I don't even know why we really fought. Oh wait, I just remembered - Caleb. Ugh. Can't I make my own mistakes? I mean, okay thinking about that sounds very stupid to me now. Wow. I have people to help me but I choose the stupidity path. Great job, Riley!
Because I knew Seth was just looking for me, I decided to go apologize to him once dinner was over. What I didn't expect, however, was for him to come to talk to me during dinner while I was trying to get to the next level on Candy Crush.
"Is this seat taken?" I heard a familiar voice say making me forget all about Candy Crush. It was Seth's voice.
"Uh, no. You can sit there." I replied.
We sat there uncomfortably for what seemed like forever and this felt worse than being mad at each other because Seth and I never got uncomfortable or awkward with each other. I wanted to apologize but I didn't know how to start which was why it was such a relief when he started talking.
"I'm sorry Riley. I said some hurtful things to you the other day and I just want you to know I didn't mean any of that crap. I know I shouldn't baby you and all and I'm sorry. You just mean too much to me and I don't want terrible shit happening to you."
When I looked at him, I knew he was hurting just like I was. Maybe worse than I was.
"You're my ride or die Seth. I'm sorry for not listening. You only care about me and I didn't mean anything I said to you." I said reaching to hold his hand which he held tighter.
I dared to look at him. Why did he have to be so attractive? God, why? Why couldn't he just have liked me when we were freshmen so we wouldn't be best friends now?
"We cool?" I asked.
"The coolest." he flashed me one of his electrifying smiles that just made him look even better. Ugh, I had to get rid of this want to act upon my attraction for Seth. It would seriously fuck me up if I wasn't careful.
"So, wanna hang at my cabin after dinner?" I asked.
"I, uh, have a, um, prior engagement." he stuttered.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Definitely." he smirked.
I laughed and scooted over to him to give him a smack which he expertly dodged.
"I hate you Winters." I pouted.
"Aww baby, you don't." he pinched my cheeks.
We left the cafeteria singing like tone-deaf seals all the way to my cabin which, when we got there, was full. There was even a guy making out with Heather on the couch.
"Guys?" I said, trying to get everyone's attention which I did except for the horny kids on the couch.
Seth then cleared his throat for them to pull away from each other which they, thankfully, did.
"Oh shit, we're so sorry." Heather started.
"No worries," Kat started. "It's not like we haven't been watching you for the past fifteen minutes or so." she smirked.
I could feel the sarcasm dripping which was why everyone was laughing as Heather hurriedly took her boy toy out to probably continue where they left off.
"Anyway," I continued, "Remember Seth?"
"Of course we do!" Lexi smiled, "he's the hottie."
"And I officially like her more than you." he said, plopping on the couch. "Now, be a darling and get the Monopoly board." he winked.

The Summer Before Senior Year
Teen FictionSeth Winters is the school's bad boy - hot, smart, athletic and a man-whore. He is anything but gay and will sleep with anything that breathes, well at least that's what his best friend who has known him since diapers, Riley Cormack, continues to sa...