Riley (ii)

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We decided to go to Outback Steakhouse for dinner because my mom hadn't gotten home yet which - again - was really weird because it was well past 8pm and she told me to expect her around 5. But since I promised her we could talk about whatever it was bothering her in a week, I decided not to dwell on it too much.

Dinner was fun because it had been a while since I went out with just my girls - which mostly comprised my friends from the volleyball team - but on this visit, I realized just how fun they used to be. It was even better than I expected when Sam arrived with Sydney and Skye in tow whom she probably picked up from Seth's.

"Did Riley ever tell you guys of how Seth almost mauled her ex when he found out he'd cheated on her?" Sam asked steering the conversation in a different direction.

"Oooohhhh, do tell!" one of them piped clearly excited to hear something penis-related since we hadn't talked about boys throughout this conversation. I tuned out my ears and begun to think of what was really bothering my mom.

I didn't notice when everyone had stood up to leave the restaurant till Sam pinched my waist to get my attention.

"Riri, where's your head at?"

I shook my head to tell her it was nothing really but knowing Sam, she wouldn't drop it so I promised I'd tell her later in the evening.

We then proceeded to walk around the streets messing around with each other. It was a fun night really which just had all of us messing with each other's Snapchats which was quite typical of people our age. We could even be mistaken for drunks and I knew that wouldn't go down well.

While some opted for a chick flick marathon, the rest of us were exhausted and wanted to sleep and since those of us who wanted to sleep outnumbered the marathoners, we opted to sleep. We dropped Heather, Sydney and Skye at Seth's and the rest of us moved our asses over to my house which was still empty and it was well past ten. My mom had sent me a text a little close to an hour ago to assure me that she was totally fine and I shouldn't worry. Something about running into an old friend and wanting to catch up. Fingers crossed this 'friend' wasn't some new guy. She hadn't really dated since my dad and I sort of didn't want her to start now.

Because Sam usually slept over at mine, she had extra supplies in my room and we usually shared my bed. When she was sure Emma had gone to sleep, she began to prod for answers.

"So..." she started.

I sighed deeply, "My mom has been worried sick about something she needs me to know and she's afraid of how I'll react."

"Why hasn't she told you yet?"

"Because I told her that she could wait till she was ready to spill the beans but I'm beginning to worry what it's really about."

"It's probably something that will seriously rock your world, but you'll blaze through it. I know you Riri. So get some sleep yeah?" she patted my head. "And you're finally turning seventeen. We have a party to put together that's gonna be hella epic!"

Leave it to Sam to always know what to say to make me feel better. I even felt myself finally smile and relax before falling into a comfortable sleep.

My mom was the one who woke us all up the next morning for breakfast. How odd?

When I got downstairs, she had already whipped up plates of pancakes with warm syrup in little china shot-like cups. Don't blame me, I couldn't care less for its name.

"Morning mom." I said stifling a yawn.

"Morning to you too sweetie. When did you girls get back?" she said pushing me a plate.

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