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ok hey guys...

i apologize if you were expecting an update (although i'm currently working one rn...) but tbf, i did update a couple of hours ago soooo....... wipe those tears away bitches -_- seth hates it when you cry smh.

but as soon as i'm done with TSBSY, i have something new i want to delve into... and i would love for you guys to give me some feedback. the synopsis will be out as soon as TSBSY is over... i'm aiming for about 40 chapters for it though.

but what i do have is the cover that i just finished working on...please i need your honest opinion... if you like it or not that is.

i want something that'll be eye-catching as well as beautiful. so here it is..

this book is called Tales From The Other Side by who else but yours truly :)

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this book is called Tales From The Other Side by who else but yours truly :)

and like it's from a person/some person(s) - not spilling anything yet guys ;) -  spectrum that people usually don't care about or want to know about. the rainy window pane blocks people from seeing them and all so you don't know how they are feeling until now when i bring my characters to life. and woah fuck that sounds so jaden smith deep lol. but screw that.

please if you do see anyone trying to copy my story after today pm me... i really work hard on all my fictional characters to make them as human as possible. but yeah.. this is my next project and i would really really appreciate some feedback from you guys bc you've all been reading TSBSY and i really hope that you like this one as well.

ok i guess that's it. take care of yourselves and leave me feedback :)

love you guys now and always.

more life,

The Summer Before Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now