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    After that I had lunch with the other two transfers, Jinyoung and BamBam. It turns out I have all my classes with these three. Once I get to our next class I sit in between Mark and Junior. We start joking around the whole class and Mark starts telling me funny stories about BamBam. The stories got so funny that we laughed practically until the bell rang. We didn't really have to do anything during class since we had a substitute.
   After school I decided that I would go over to Marks house. Once we got to his house we run and I call the first video game controller. We start playing video games. We play them until it gets a little dark outside we look at the time and Mark starts cursing saying he shouldn't have kept me this long because I had to do homework. I just replied saying that I could do it tonight since I can't sleep mostly. I grabbed my stuff and went to the door. I waved goodbye to Mark then went on my way to my house, which surprisingly wasn't that far from Marks. As I opened my door to the silence of my house I suddenly hear nails scrambling on the floor. I turn around to see Cocco running towards me. She jumps on my legs and I pick her up. I take her over to her food bowl and put her down. I pick up her food and water bowl and fill both up. She happily eats then takes a gulp of her water. I walk over to my kitchen and start to make Mac and cheese since it's the only thing that I have in the fridge. I make a mental note to go grocery shopping tomorrow. After I make it I start to eat. Once I am finished I leave the dishes in the sink to wash later.  I go run upstairs to my room and start on my homework. I never rally realized that I had so much until I looked at it now.
Time skip to nighttime
  Breakfast finally settled in and I ran to the bathroom to throw it up. I brushed my teeth and went back to my room and grabbed my Pjs as I head to the shower. Once I am changed and clean I start going to the living room where I watch my favorite movie Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.
    I must have fallen asleep sometime during the movies because I wake up the next morning on the couch. I look at the time and dash up the stairs to change. I must have slept through my alarm. I get everything ready for school and I head out the door. I get to school to see a full on fistfight between Taehyung and his girl against my very own best friend, Jenny.
Well this doesn't happen every day.....

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