~8: Im trying~

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Hey im not dead!!!! I havent been updating because you know school and i have changed my schedule and i have a lot of stress at home so i decided to update today. Dont mind the spelling errors im literally updating in a chair in one of my classes.

Minjis POV:

I left the hospital today. I got home and felt the regular loneliness surround me. I trued not to think about it. I went up to my room and I set my crutches down. I tried to walm without the crutches. I have learned not to depend on something because that something will always disappear. It hurts to walk. I look down at my leg and I feel the tears threatening to fall. I give in and cry. I want to fall on the ground and scream but I cant. I feel alone even when Im with my friends. I feel as though no one loves me. Mark probably is just trying to put me down. To hurt me even more. To bad. Im already broken. Theres no way i can break even farther. Its like if you drop a plate on the ground. It breaks and no matter how many times you try to glue it back together it will never be the same. I will never be the same. I am that plate. I cry and I finally make it to the bed where I lay down and cry myself to sleep.

I wake up and feel warm arms around me. I turn to see Marks face looking down at me. He smiles then he looks at my face and his features turn to worry.

"Were you crying?" He says worriedly. I just turn and attempt to get out of bed. He pulls me down gently as to not hurt my leg. He flips me over so that I am facing him. I try not to look at him. He puts two fingers under my chin and makes me look at him. I already have tears welling in my eyes. He looks hurt. I hurt everyone. He pulls me in for a hug. And at that moment I dont care I just let my tears fall.

Marks POV:

I woke up this morning witha text from Minwoo. Minji got out of the hospital.

Minwoo: hey 👋 Minjis out of the hospital

Me: really whats her address have               her keys

Minwoo: 345526 Olive grove number 46558

Me: k thanks 👋👋

I put the address in my phone and I head to my car. Once i get there I knock on the door. When I hear no response after I knock a third time I start to get worried. I take the key out of my pocket and i unlock the door.

"Minji its Mark." I yell loud enough for her to hear. Still no response. I look in the kitchen. Shes not there. I look in the living room. Still not there. Now I feel like Im going to explode. My hearts beating fast. Her house is pretty big. She could be anywhere. She could be in pain. Just the thought of my love in pain makes me terrified. I run upstairs and I open her room. I smile seeing her asleep on her bed. I start to calm down. I walk over to her and kneel down in fron t of her face. I brush a strand of hair out of her face. I have to resist the urge to kiss her right then and there. I get up and I walk to the other side of the bed and i get in bed with her. I out my arms around her and I pull her closer to me. I never want to lose her. I want to stay like this forever. I want to make her the happiest person in the world.

I must have fallen asleep because I wake up the next morning. I look down at the angel in my arms. I smile. I start playing with her hair i cant see her face but seeing her hair is good enough for me. She starts to stirr in her sleep. I smile as she looks up towards me. Then i get a good look at her face. Her eyes are puffy and she sniffles a little.

"Were you crying" I worry. She doesnt respond. She just tries to get up off the bed. I know she shouldnt not only because of her leg, but because I need to talk to her, I need to make sure she is ok. I gently push her back down on the bed. I turn her around so that she is facing me. She lookd down. I feel hurt knowing that my love is hurt and i dont know why. I love her beyong compare. I push her face up so that she is forced to look at me. She has tears in her eyes. I pull her into a hug and she lets all her tears go. I rub circles into her back. She cries and cries. I feel tears falling down my cheeks. When I feel she has calmed down I let her go.

"I-i-i-im s-sorry i hurt you!" She stuttered. I break a little. She goes on to tell me that shes scared im just gonna leave her and hurt her.

"I would never leave you, you are my everything! If i left i would probably die, i dont know what i would do if i never found you."i say back to her, once again rubbing circle into her back. Just then the door bell rings. I tell her to not move. I rush downstairs to see Minwoo at the door smiling half-way. On the side holding his hand is a little girl. She looks at me and smiles an innocent smile, then she runs in and runs inside and up the stairs. I worriedly look at Minwoo. He just smiles and nods. I welcome Minwoo inside but he politely declined and tells me to tell Minji he hopes that she is ok. I walk upstairs to see the biggest smile i have ever seen on Minjis face. She's just laying on the bed cuddling the heck out of the little girl. But the little girl only smiles and hugs her back.
" I missed you!!!" The girl says to Minji.
" Awwwww, did you miss Cocco too" Minji smiles down at the girl.
"Of course!!!!" She looks up to face Minji. Minji then notices me. Her face flushes and she seems worried. I just walk over and sit on the bed.
"Em why don't you go downstairs and play with Cocco, I'm sure she missed you." Minji says to who I am assuming is Em. Em goes downstairs and I look toward Minji.
"Did Minwoo explain who she is?" She asks me. I shake my head.
" it's ok you don't have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable." I look at her.
" Might as well SCINCE I have a feeling your gonna be seeing more of her, she's-

Author-nim here!!!! I am so evil
*slurps at soda in hand*
*does evil laugh*

(Anyway cool potato out)

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