~13: Darkness is all Around~

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I wake up to the feeling of someone patting my shoulder. I wake up and see Jackie looking down at me smiling. I smile back and get up slowly going to the closet and pouting finding nothing to wear except dresses. I sigh and grab the least puffy dress and put it on.

Jackie is wearing a yellow-ish knee length dress. It has clear glittery decals at the end which seem so be in the shape of butterflies and flowers. She has her hair up in a slight bun with some curls falling down. I can tell she has a slight amount of make-up on her face. All natural colors of course. She gives me a hopeless look before saying something.

"I'm gonna go down to get breakfast, I shall see you down there soon!" She smiles and opens the door leaving me to myself. 

I go to the desk by my bed that has my phone plugged in and put on my playlist. The first song that comes on is J-Hopes Mama. I look at all my clothes in my trunk and sigh, starting to put all of it away in different places. I start dancing and rapping along to the so vs that come on while I am doing it. I then decide I want to clean my room and bathroom and I start with that after I put my stuff away. 

I finish my cleaning as BTS's Converse high comes on. I lay on my bed listening to the music. And I change into my comfortable clothes for once. I end up falling asleep and awake two hours later by Jackie sighing and throwing a pillow at my head. I wake up and look at her confused.

"Yah!!! You weren't there at breakfast you babo!!" She pouts.

"Excuse me I am older than you so don't yah me and also I cleaned out room and bathroom... so thank me instead!!!" I stick my tongue out playfully. She just pretends to be angry for a second before smiling and laying down. 

"Ughh!!! Why are we even here!!! I just want to see Yugeom again!!!!! And my other friends... and by other friends I mean no body hehe." She rests her eyes.

"Same.. I just want to see Mark and hug Tessa and Je-" I get interrupted by a snore from Jackie. She has already fallen asleep so I head outside to tour the castle. 

I explore the bakery and ballroom. I explore the living rooms and hallways. They all are super huge. And probably are places where I wouldn't want to be. I finally get to the gardens and walk around the rows of flowers and bushes and different plants that I haven't even imagined. I finally get to the dandelion pastor. It's full completely of dandelions. (Hehe dandelonie!!!) I smile picking one up and whispering a wish to myself before blowing and watching all the petals fly away in the wind. I smile suddenly sad wishing I was as free as those petals. Wishing I could just get up and fly around the word and see everything. 

I head to the library next and look through all the different types of books. I finally find one and ask the librarian if I may use it. She returns a smile and nods to me. I take the book out to the lawn and sit under a tree in the shade and smile opening up the old book and start reading all the mythical creatures hiding in the book. I continue reading like a child with its favorite book, blocking out reality and living with the characters feeling everything they feel. I must have read for hours because once I got to the end of the book it was getting dark outside. I headed to the library dropping off the book and heading back to my room passing a dance studio and promising myself that I would go there tomorrow and maybe bring Jackie with me.

 I get back to my room and Jackie seems to have not moved much. I go to my closet and change into pajamas before sitting on my bed looking at a book that I have been wanting to write a story in, I just haven't been able to. I haven't had any ideas and nothing seems to be coming to me so I place the book into the drawer beside my bed and I lay down thinking to myself. 

I thought about Tessa and Jenni. I thought about Mark and his friends. I thought about Taehyung and how he seems to have been kinder to everyone nowadays. I thought about the Little one and Minwoo. I thought about my home and suddenly lying became homesick, I missed everything. I missed my school. I missed the tons of fans that would crows me at school. I missed Coco and the way he would run up to me and lick my legs when I got home from school or work. I wondered how long I would be here. How much of my life would I spend here? Would I be here forever? What was gonna happen to me? 

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