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"Ahhh!" the women's scream filled the hospital room as a contraction erupted in her stomach. Her husband next to her holding her hand and rubbing her back as she did so whispering soothing words in her ear. She fell back against her bed looking very tired even though she hasn't done the hardest part yet. "This hurts, it hurts so bad." she said tears flowing out of her eyes. 

Her husband reached over and wiped them away with the pads of his thumbs. "I'm sorry baby. I wish I could take the pain away my love, I really do." he said, his heart clenching that his wife was in so much pain and he couldn't do anything to make it better. 

Just then the doctor, a long time family friend, came walked in. "Hello. Your nurse is telling me you're feeling abnormal pain when the contractions hit?" he asked walking over to the man and the women.

"Yes. It hurts so much. Way worse than my past pregnancy contractions." the women responded tears filling her eyes once again as another contraction hit. She screamed, hunching foreword in pain. Her husband trying to help her get through it with less pain but both knew whatever he did was no use.

The doctor made a 'huh' sound and began fiddling with the machines in the room. "Alright, so I'm going to run some tests to see if we can find out what is causing you more pain during your contractions."  The couple nodded and he began doing the tests. "So I am going to make sure these get tested right away and I'll be back as soon as possible with the results." the doctor gave a warm smile but the man knew he was hiding something.

As the doctor left, the man placed a kiss on his wife's forehead, muttering a "I'll be right back" and followed the doctor out the door. He grabbed the doctor's shoulder and turned him around. "Doc, what's going on with my wife?" he asked, his voice getting louder and louder with every word. He hated that his wife is in so much pain and that the doctor was withholding information. 

The doctor flinched at his loud voice and sighed. "I have a guess of what could be wrong with your wife but I wanted to be sure before I told either of you." the doctor kept his eyes pealed to everything but the man's face in fear of what he might do. But it didn't matter whether he was looking at the man or not because in one swift move the man had the doctor pinned to the wall, his hand wrapped around the doctors neck.

"Tell me what is wrong with my wife!" the man said again but in a low, threatening voice. The doctor gulped and started shaking, fearing the thought of what is to come after he bears the bad news.

In a soft, cautious voice the doctor replied, "I believe an artery has ripped open, so when the contractions hit it puts so much stress on it causing more pain." Before he could continue to the even more sad news the man cut him off with bringing him foreword and slamming him back against the wall.

"Well then why is my wife still in that goddamn room not getting the help she needs?" the man growled out, his face becoming red with anger.

In a more rushed voice he said, "It is protocol in these situations to take tests so we're a hundred percent sure so we don't do anything to hurt the baby." 

"What aren't you telling? You're holding something back!" the man yelled once again. Neither one noticing nurses and other doctors watching.

"I won't know for sure until the tests come back but I believe in your wife's condition we will only be able to save her or the baby." the doctor said in a low, soft voice his head drooping a little bit.

At that, the man stood there frozen. He couldn't believe the words coming out of the doctors mouth. Either his wife or unborn baby would die. One of them wouldn't be coming out of the hospital. In the midst of thinking he didn't realize he let go of the doctor and walked back to the room which contained his hurting wife. 

He stood in the doorway for a little bit just taking in his wife's appearance. The thought that today may be the last day he get to hold her, be able to kiss her, anything made his heart wrench but then a pang of guilt filled him because if he chose for his wife to live then his daughter, his first daughter would die and both the man and the women have been waiting so long to have a baby girl. Even their four sons were very excited about having a baby sister.

Then his wife looked over at him and a frown came onto her lips. "Baby, what's wrong?" Her voice soft and worried. He walked over to her and sat down, taking her smaller hand in his two large hands. 

"He won't know for sure until the tests come back but Doc thinks the extra pain you are having during your contractions is due to an artery being ripped open. He can fix it but then we'd lose the baby. If we decide to have the baby it'd be too late to try and save you." the man couldn't help the tears that formed and fell down his face. In either decision they chose he'd lose someone so important to him.

His wife, like him, couldn't help the tears from coming down. After a moment of both of them crying together, his wife said in a soft voice, "If this is true, if the tests come back and we have to chose I want to save our baby."

"But then I'd lose you baby. I don't know what I'd do without you. I don't know how I can take care of our kids without you." the man sobbed. 

"Baby look at me." her voice soft but strong. "You will get through this and you will be the best father to our kids, I know you will do whatever it takes to make sure our kids are safe and taken care of." she rested her hand on the side of his face, wiping away some tears.

The man held onto her hand on his cheek and cuddled into it, pressing a kiss to her palm. Before they could say anything else the doctor walked inside, a solemn look on his face. His face said it all. The tests came back positive and they indeed have to make a choice. Who is going to be saved. 

"I'm sorry but the tests came back confirming my worst fear. I'm sure your husband has already told you. An artery has burst and in order to fix it we will lose the baby. If we don't fix it and you decide to give birth then you will unfortunately not make it, there will not be enough time to fix the damage the artery will do but  the time we get the baby out. I'm so sorry I can't give you good news. And I hate to keep bringing bad news but in order to proceed I need to know what your decision is now or we risk losing both of you."

Before the man can say anything his wife spoke up. "I want you to save my baby. Do whatever you have to do to make sure she comes out safe and sound." Doc looked at the man for his answer and he reluctantly nodded in agreement with his wife. He didn't want his wife to die but he didn't want his baby to die either but ultimately it was up to his wife. She is the one with the popped artery and is carrying our unborn child.

So with that the doctor started prepping for an emergency c-section. As the doctor and the nurses prepped, the women looked over to her husband. Squeezing his hand and tears coming down her face she said, "Promise me you will love our baby with everything you have. You will care for her, love her, protect her. Same for the boys." 

Tears mirroring his wife's, he nods his head, "I promise my love, I promise." And with that the doctors proceeded with the c-section. In a matter of minutes their baby girl was wailing and moving around. The women was barely holding on when she was passed her baby girl. With all the strength she could muster she went in a pressed a kiss to her forehead before having her husband pick her up.

She didn't have long and they both knew it. They knew it was any second now so they shared a kiss and 'love you's' just in time.

Author's Note: 

So here is the prologue and test chapter. I want to write a new mafia story but I want to see if this kind of mafia story is something you guys want to read. Comments are greatly appreciated on whether or not you would like to read a story that follows the daughter of the mafia don throughout the years. For example, the next chapter will be the daughter at 6 months old, so you'd read about what happens when she's six months old and then the ages will increase to 2 year old, 5 year old and so on.

So please, please, comment your thoughts.

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