2 Year Old Lily: Part 1

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Third Person P.O.V

It's around seven in the morning when Lily wakes up. Out of everyone in her family, Lily was the only morning person. One of the many qualities she got from her mom. She lets out a yawn and then sits up. She carefully slides out of her bed and walks to the door. She is just tall enough to turn the door knob and open the door. 

Walking out of her room, she made her way towards the room right next to hers. Opening that door, she walks inside. Walking over to the bed, she struggles to get on for a bit until she grabs a few pillows that were scattered on the floor. Once on the bed she crawled to the center and pulled the blankets over her before lying back.

As she lies under the blanket she hears footsteps walking towards her and then the blanket is pulled back and her father appears. "There's my princess." her father says, a smile coming onto his face. Lily giggles and reaches for her father. Picking her up, he rests her on his hip. He places kisses all over her face knowing it will make her giggle because hearing her laugh is the best sound in the world to him. 

When her laughter dies down, he takes her to her room where he changes her out of her onesie and into a cute sweater and leggings. Strapping some shoes on her feet, Victor picks up his daughter and carries her down to the dining room where his sons were already eating breakfast. with tired looks on their faces. "Good morning." Victor said placing Lily in her seat and then sitting down himself. His sons replied with various version of good morning.

John came into the room carrying two plates, one plate smaller and with pictures of cartoons. Once John got to them he set the bigger plate in front of Victor and the smaller one in front of Lily. Lily's plate of breakfast already cut up into little pieces so she wouldn't choke. Like usual there was minimal to no chatter during breakfast as most were still trying to wake up.

When breakfast was finished, Victor's sons said their goodbyes to their father and kissing their little sister on her cheeks and forehead goodbye as they went to get their backpacks and leave for school. Once the sons have left, Victor picks up Lily and takes her up to his room. He sets her down on his bed and finishes getting ready. While Victor is getting ready, Lily slides off the bed and walks over to her room where she starts to play with her toys.

A few minutes later and Victor walks over to Lily's room where he finds Lily in the middle of playing with her dolls.  Walking over to her, he crouches down causing Lily to stop playing and look up at him. "Ready to go to work with daddy princess?" Victor asks making Lily nod her head wildly up and down. "Good." Standing back up, Victor opens his hand out and Lily grabs onto it and they head out to the awaiting car.

When both of them were strapped in, the driver drove off towards Black Corp. When they arrived, Victor helped his daughter out of her carseat and out of the car, the driver holding the door open for them. Victor set Lily down on the ground but kept a firm hold of her hand as they walked inside the building. 

Lily never grew tired of starring at the building her father worked in in awe. They went into the awaiting elevator and up to the top floor. Black Corp is a 25 story building where the first twenty stories are dedicated to the many businesses Victor owns like hotels and restaurants. The twenty-first floor to the twenty-fourth floor is dedicated to Victors illegal business or drugs and such where only his men in that business are allowed to be. And the final floor, the 25th floor is where Victors office is, as well as his secretaries.

A bing sounded throughout the elevator and then the doors opened. Victor lead his daughter past his secretary and into his office. His secretary following behind them. "Sir, Lily's tutor/babysitter called and said she is going to be a few minutes late this morning. The bus she takes broke down on the way here and she's waiting for the new one." Jill, the secretary said in rush. Her, like many others, are scared of Mr. Black. She is always scared he is going to yell at her for telling him negative news.

As they talked, Lily stood by the window that took up a whole wall. She loves looking out the window because the view is amazing and never gets old to her. "Princess." She hears her dad call and she turns her head to him. He gestures her over and she makes her way to him. He picks her up and brings her over to the couch in his office. He sets her down on the couch and grabs some pieces of blank paper and her box of crayons. Opening the box up, he lets her be as she colors.

For a good twenty minutes, Lily worked on drawings, every time she finished a picture she would show her father and he would compliment them and send her off to make another. It was at the end of those twenty minutes, Miss Maybelle, Lily's tutor/babysitter, finally showed. She knocked on the office door awaiting to be allowed in. 

When allowed in, she apologized profusely for her tardiness. Victor dismissed it and Miss Maybelle went to Lily. Miss Maybelle and Lily then went into the room next to Victors. Victor had it specially made for Lily's tutor to teach Lily anything a 2 year old needs to learn.

A/N: Alright once again I know not much is going on and I'm sorry. I am having trouble writing what I picture in head for when she's this young but the way I see it, hopefully when we get to age 5, which should be after part 2 of age 2, there will be more action going on. She will be speaking in full sentences and going to kindergarten so hopefully I will be able to come up with more action filled chapters.

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