16 Year Old Lily: Part 2

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Lily's P.O.V

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I skip towards the dining room. I had woken up in a really happy mood because today is the day I get to spend one-on-one time with Thorn. Since I met him the first time a week and a half ago, it hasn't been just the two of us. Sure he'd be around me while I was home and the couple times I was out of the house with my dad and/or brothers but we'd never been alone before. Having a huge crush on my bodyguard only fueled my excitement but I mean come on, he's hot.

When I got into the dining room, I hugged my dad and each of my brothers as a way of greeting them. "Well someone's in a very good mood this morning." Alec smirked causing my dad to look down from his newspaper. Poking my tongue out at him, I sat down.

"I'm just really excited to go down to get my books today, that's all. Getting my books is like the second to last thing that makes this all feel so real, like it's really happening. Next will be actually going to classes." I told them which, while it wasn't the whole truth, it wasn't a lie either.

A maid walked in and set a plate of breakfast down in front of me. Thanking her, she walked back into the kitchen. Turning my head back around my eyes immediately fell on Alec. He was smirking and not a good kind of smirk. It was like a, I know something, kind of smirk.

When breakfast was over, I headed back up to my room to get ready to leave. Now that I'm about to leave I'm starting to feel a little nervous because this is the first time, other than when I went to public school, that I will be leaving the house without any of my family members. My nervousness then seemed to go away when I thought of who will be going with me and a small blush came onto my lips.

Not even been in my room for two minutes, Alec walks in and jumps onto my bed, the smirk he had on during breakfast making its appearance known again. "What?" I asked confused. I really have no idea why he was making that face and it was starting to worry me.

"So, you're really just that excited because you're going to get the books you need for your classes?" he asked like he already knew the answer. Hesitating for a second, I nodded my head. "Oh really?" he said smirking even wider. "It wouldn't have anything to do with a certain bodyguard now would it?" My face turned beet red. Had I really made it that obvious?

Alec chuckled and got up. Giving me one last smirk, he walked out. Still red in the face, I was about to turn when Thorn came and stopped in the door frame. "Are you ready to go?" he asks in all seriousness but his eyes seem to have become soft when he looks at me. Now, I could be wrong cause I'm not all that great in the guy department, but it seem like it.

"Oh, uhm," I stammered, "ya, yes." Grabbing my purse I walked passed him out of my room. We made it to the waiting car outside, the driver opening the door for me. Giving him a shy smile, I slide in. I expected him to close the door behind him but he didn't and Thorn slid in after me. I sat there frozen for a moment. He is right there, sitting next to me. If I move my right arm even the slightest bit it will tough his. Once the driver closed the door, Thorn's cologne started wafting into my nose and let me tell you it smells amazing.

After 45 minutes of driving and the radio softly playing, we made it my school. The driver parked and quickly opened the door. Thorn got out first and, what surprised me was, he helped me out. I started walking in the direction of the campus bookstore and Thorn followed stiff as can be and looking around like something is going to happen. Well, I guess he has to seeing as it's his job and all.

When we walked inside, a guy came up to us which made Thorn more stiff if that was even possible. "Hello, my names Mark, can I help you guys?" the guy, Mark, asked. Suddenly my nervousness kicked in. Shyly I nodded and grabbed my list of books I need and hand it to Mark. He scanned it over and started walking off towards the book area of the bookstore. Thorn and I followed and every now and then he would stop, grab a book and hand it to me even though every time I went to grab the book Thorn grabbed it.

By the time Mark was done Thorn was holding five different and large books. "I'll see you around sweetcheeks." Mark said winking causing me to blush but not in the flattered kind of way. I don't get compliments from guys unless it's from dad or my brothers so that's why I blushed and also, if I didn't have such a huge crush on Thorn maybe I would have been flattered.

Looking at Thorn, I notice his hands gripping my books and how his eyes followed Mark with a very scary glare. "Uhm, Thorn?" I said slightly tugging on his arm. He took a couple seconds still glaring holes into the back of Mark's head until he turned to me, his eyes going softer. "Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded his head.

After I payed for my books, Thorn proposed I showed him where my classes are so after dropping my books off into the car, I showed my classes to him.

"So, this building is where all my science classes will be." I stated as we stopped in front of the science building. "I'll probably be spending most of my time here." I told him, to which like a lot of things I say he nods to. Since that was the last building to show him we decided to head back to the car. As we walked in silence, a gust of wind rushes by causing me to shiver. I had rushed out of my room so fast I had forgot to grab a jacket.

I prepared myself for the long walk back to the car when I felt a weight on my shoulder. Looking down and to my right I see Thorn's jacket wrapped around me. His cologne surrounds me and I thought I'd pass out from how good it smells.

Realizing I was in a dream like state, I snapped out of it and looked at Thorn. He kept his face forward and kept walking like nothing happened. Blushing, I snuggled deeper into his jacket and continued to walk alongside of him.

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